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  1. Teamname: Hyperion Teamabkürzung: HYP Team captains (PSN IDs): heaventhegreat40 (C) CashAllGreen (A) CCBow-501 (A) Team roster (PSN IDs): heaventhegreat40 The_Rayman80 CCBow-501 CashAllGreen schmid0_55 otaconsbest X_Chewiee_X sternchen3_11 thesaw83 OiDM04ZzTA EA SPORTS club overview: https://www.ea.com/games/nhl/nhl-21/pro-clubs/overview?clubId=285786&platform=ps4&isLocalized=true Previous team name(s): KSE Teutons Logo: siehe Unten Division: 1 Teilnahme am Qualifikationsturnier zur Division 1: Nein Bereitschaft in der 3. Division zu spielen, sofern diese bereits gegründet wird: Nein
  2. SGWEER United is looking for a Goalie for ECL and GCL. If you're interested write me: CCBow-501
  3. SGWEER United is aiming for a Comeback next ECL Season. We are looking for a Goalie, LD and Forward. If you are interessted pn me. PSN ID: CCBow-501
  4. CCBow-501

    SGU vs PP

    https://nhlgamer.com/match.php?matchID=9005 OT Goal 69:27 - George (YouAreMyPrice, Denis) missing
  5. CCBow-501

    SGU vs FTH

    Stats are okay. But every goal from us is a gwg now. Ive never understand that anyway 😂
  6. CCBow-501

    SGU vs FTH

    https://nhlgamer.com/match.php?matchID=8914 On 19:54 Nasmeh took two penalties for tripping. He tripped two guys. 4:0 was scored 59:15 - Denis (Nordh, George) 5:0 was scored 59:45 - Denis (George, Nordh)
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