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  1. Goalie looking a club for upcoming ECL. Backup or 50/50 role ,as can’t play every day due to work wise and family . Pro/lite teams . Contact me here or PSN Loncelot84
  2. Looking for club (pro/lite )as back up G or 50/50 if I got time for this . PSN Loncelot84 or drop me a text here.
  3. G looking for new team for the next ECL season.( Pro/Lite league) as a back up or 50/50 when my time schedule will be able for the games. Contact me here or On drop a text on pcn Loncelot84
  4. Wow 🤷‍♂️
  5. Don’t think they will bring it back soon due to sanctions ets .but it’s also another way to bring it back under loophole by changing the league name as I posted in open discussion topic around one hour ago .
  6. If the administration of the Nhlgamer site banes the RCL league from the Nhlgamer site, ban the clubs which have any related stuff with Russian companies, KHL clubs, sponsorship with a company’s named in sanctioned list of EU . Administration can change the name of RCL to EECL as all Europe calling countries like Ukraine, Russia Latvia , Lithuania ,Estonia ets.Eastern European countries . Nhlgamer got already WECL !!! It’s no way administration can ban or ignore this championship as a lot of different nationalities will be playing in EECL like Latvian ,Estonian, Belarusian ,Ukrainian ,Russians Lithuanian,Bulgarian Hungarian ets .as this country is not a part of Western European countries.So if administration ignore or ban this championship it’s will be clearly indirect discrimination of this nationalities .It’s indirect race discrimination to have a rule, policy or practice in place which people of a particular racial, ethnic or national group are less likely to be able to meet than other people, and this places them at a disadvantage. This means that you shouldn’t be treated unfairly just because you’re from Eastern European countries. The Human Rights Act makes it illegal to discriminate on a wide range of grounds including ‘sex, race, colour, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, association with a national minority, property, birth or other status’. The enjoyment of the rights and freedoms set forth in the European Convention on Human Rights and the Human Rights Act shall be secured without discrimination on any ground such as sex, race, colour, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, association with a national minority, property, birth or other status. King regards From Britain with love 🇬🇧!!!
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  7. Free G for GCL/ WECL tournament ,back up role is fine . contact me here or psn Loncelot84 https://sportsgamer.gg/players/114#nhl Edited June 5 by loncelot84 up
  8. Free G/LW Looking for the club which playing WECL ,back up role is fine .Living in UK 🇬🇧. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/114#nhl contact me here or psn loncelot84
  9. It’s summer time,not many people playing!!You will definitely find a team don’t rush !!!! When it’s busy take it easy 😉
  10. Free G for GCL/ WECL tournament ,back up role is fine . contact me here or psn Loncelot84 https://sportsgamer.gg/players/114#nhl
  11. Goalie looking for club for upcoming ECL season (pro or elite clubs ) can play as back up goalie . I’m back to NHL after long break last time I was playing for ECL 2 and ECL 3 season for elite clubs Victoria secret HC and Northern Stars also was playing for RCl Terrible bears long time so have plentyof experience but need a bit of ice time in good club . For more info contact me here or send me a message on PSN Loncelot84. Thanks .
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