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Everything posted by Eisenhugel

  1. Hello everyone! Finnish Hockey Legends (Core) is looking for a RD to a ECL Winter tournament. We hope that you have experience from previous tournaments and know how to play your position. There's no age requirement but here's couple points what we expect: 1) You know what to do both offensively and defensively. 2) You can speak Finnish! And of course that you own a mic and be ready to join our WhatsApp group for games etc. We can offer you an nice environment to develop your skill and hopefully you can help us to achieve our goal: To climb back to Lite division. Contact me here if you interested
  2. Hello everyone! Finnish Hockey Legends (Core) is looking for a RD to a ECL Winter tournament. We hope that you have experience from previous tournaments and know how to play your position. There's no age requirement but here's couple points what we expect: 1) You know what to do both offensively and defensively. 2) You can speak Finnish! And of course that you own a mic and be ready to join our WhatsApp group for games etc. We can offer you an nice environment to develop your skill and hopefully you can help us to achieve our goal: To climb back to Lite division. Contact me here if you interested
  3. We are still looking for RD and LD players for the tryout. Don't be shy. Just hit me up a DM here at NHLGamer and let's talk about it. Age won't matter, but we prefer that you speak Finnish. We also want that you're active on offensive zone but also handle situations when defending. We play on Core division but we will take part to the Lite qualifiers if it's possible.
  4. We are still looking for RD and LD players for the tryout. Don't be shy. Just hit me up a DM here at NHLGamer and let's talk about it. Age won't matter, but we prefer that you speak Finnish. We also want that you're active on offensive zone but also handle situations when defending. We play on Core division but we will take part to the Lite qualifiers if it's possible.
  5. We are still looking for RD and LD players for the tryout. Don't be shy. Just hit me up a DM here at NHLGamer and let's talk about it. Age won't matter, but we prefer that you speak Finnish. We also want that you're active on offensive zone but also handle situations when defending. We play on Core division but we will take part to the Lite qualifiers if it's possible.
  6. Hello everyone! It's been a while since I've done this so hopefully everything goes well. So. We in Finnish Hockey Legends are looking for defenders for the upcoming ECL tournament. We play on Core division. Would be good if you can handle both LD and RD. Age won't matter to me but we prefer that you can speak Finnish. You can send me or to my assistant captains a dm here at the NHLGamer @KYLKISYOPA @Jarl1n @Eisenhugel
  7. Hello everybody! After the disappointing ECL season it's now again good time to search new players for the upcoming offseason. We are looking for one RD and one RW for the tryouts. We prefer finnish speaking players who are offensive minded and know how to handle situations both defensive and offensive zone. For more info send message here in NHLGamer to Eisenhugel or in the PSN to KYLKISYOPA.
  8. We are searching again a back up RW / C. Suomeksi: Eli haussa olisi varamies tuolle RW paikalle. Message me here in NHLGamer if you are interested.
  9. We have found our back up player. Thanks for the contacts. We are back to search more players when spots are open.
  10. Still looking BACK UP Right Wing.
  11. Still looking our BACK UP RW.
  12. Good afternoon NHLGamer community! We here in Finnish Hockey Legends are searching BACK UP RW. If you are okay with that situation, your age is 18+ and you know how to play in defensive and offensive situations, I can give you a place to hone your skills. Even a back up I can guarantee playtime to you. Contact here in NHLGamer and lets get that try out started 💪👍
  13. Finnish Hockey Legends are recruiting! We are searching RIGHT and LEFT DEFENDERS. If you speak finnish, have silky hands and behave like a grown up, feel free to send me a message here in NHLGamer. Playtime is guaranteed. And no. We are not playing in Spring League.
  14. Congratulations SKY for an outstanding performance trough the whole ECL season! Poika saunoo!
  15. Are you going to publish a schedule soon also?
  16. Laihia, Finland 30 - > 10-12
  17. Moro yhteisö ja anteeksi suomenkielen käyttö, mutta tämä uutinen on valitettavasti suunnattu yhteisön suomenkielisille pelaajille. Eli Huuhkajat on hakemassa karsintoihin Fifa19 pelaajia. Karsintojen parhaista kootaan e-jalkapallomaajoukkue. Linkin laitan tähän alle, mistä löytyy lisäinfoa aiheesta. https://www.palloliitto.fi/jalkapallouutiset/e-jalkapallomaajoukkue-perustetaan
      • 1
      • Thanks
  18. Congratulations to FILA! Decent job! It seems there are no stoppers for that wagon! 👍💪👌👏👏👏🎉🎉🎉🏆🥇
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