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Camelii1 last won the day on October 26 2020

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  1. KY is recruiting! Hello fellow gamers! Well... due the sudden departure of @xColeslaww and @Ilezki_ KY is opening some tryout possibilities. We are in need of C/RW, there might be also slot for a Backup G. If you think you have what it takes to play in KY 🤝 please do contact me or @JanneK. PSN: BAHVIKAMELI PSN: JANURI98
  2. Kaupallinen Yhteistyö After a tough and bit exhausting season it's time for a rebuild! We had major losses on the lineup due to the departure of KrisutusB and Jooonasaurus, therefore we have to start looking for a new players. The f..k is Kaupallinen Yhteistyö??? - We are pretty active team. We try to play as often as we can, mainly playing on a weekdays, but also playing on weekends if we get players online. - Usually we start our games at 19.00 CEST - Our goal to the next season will be determined by the roster we get before the season, but of course we try to aim as high as possible. We want to be PRO title contenders. What is KY trying to find? Position-wise we are trying to find players for all positions, more precisely: (if you even need more precise explanation :DDD) - Center - Left Wing - Right wing - Defense - Backup goalie As a player: - The more active the better - EASHL experience from pro or elite. If you play in lite or neo and feel that you might have enough skill and determination to learn please feel free to contact me. If you are interested for tryout contact me here or at PSN: BAHVIKAMELI
  3. I might be wearing some KY glasses,😀 but i'm being truthfully while writing this. Saurus is truly quality and skilled player. I suggest that elite teams gives this guy a chance as a starter and hopefully see the skills and potential this guy has. ''And not the little cocky kid everyone seems to think I am'' Saurus is not ''Jonne'' as some might think or heard about. He is really mature and good company in party. I prefer teams to try him as a winger due the skill and threat that he has, although he is also very good C defensively.
  4. @Tehh Absolute legend
  5. Kaupallinen Yhteistyo: IN: BAHVIKAMELI (HC Unknown Diamond) jjmakkeli (HC Unknown Diamond) Jooonasaurus (HC Unknown Diamond) KrisutusB (HC Unknown Diamond) I_jjake_I (HC Unknown Diamond) eswelho6 (Farminaattorit) Limbe65 (Farminaattorit) Skeede45 (Farminaattorit) jyrkkis_ (FA) lordjami (??) OUT: -
  6. Looking for a club to compete at ECL Lite. My best EASHL times were definetly placed between NHL09 and NHL16, it was the time when i was really active NHL gamer and played mainly (only) EASHL. I played few games(3) at Summer cup season2 after a long break. Team were NG Bieksaaa. My preferred playing position is LD for sure, but can also play LW if needed. If it's must i can also survive at C, RW and RD. I do have mic. [I speak finnish and also fluent english.] If you interested, please do contact me here or at the PS. PSN: Camelii1
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