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  1. Free LW, C or RW for next tournaments and ECL contact me here or in psn: taunomaisteri
  2. nimi on niin houkutteleva, että melkein vois
  3. Free LD/RD for spring cup and ECL. Looking for competitive and active team.
  4. old 22-27 now 5-7 Tampere, Finland
  5. i can say u 100% that its not placebo that i feel. maybe u dont feel it in the 6on6 games, but in 1on1 games there is huge difference. i dont know what is the right word in english but the player moves more "kuutiomaisesti" now. so its easier to proteck the buck now when u know how to use the skating proberly.
  6. im not only talking about 6on6 games. 1on1 versus was 99% like in nhl18 or 17. we had the new skating, but they even removed that? now in the latest tuner we have that skating again. I hate it when they do this every f time. i understand that it sucks for people that practise and all the hard work is gone. i play 6on6 games for "fun" even our team is trying to win the games we play. it doestn matter if our team looses a game because of this tuner, im still having more fun in the game than in the old tuner. that is just my opinion.
  7. well thats true, but when u have talent to adapt it doesnt matter whats the tuner is. my point here is that im done playing the same game every year. i hate the old tuner because its NHL18 and i wanna play NHL19.
  8. i can give u private lapdanceshow in 1on1 if u want? And just look the biggies like written guys..they dont have any problems playing this tuner.
  9. good points but we are playing NHL19 and the old tuner is 99% like NHL18 and that why i dont like it. i really hope they keep this new tuner so we can play "new game" and not always the same EA bullshit changing the game to old settings. - Its samething every year. WUHUU new game.. and after 2months we are playing the same game than last year. so if u dont know how to play NHL19 go back to NHL18 and remember little humor
  10. versus and 6on6 is fun again. before the tuner players speed in 1on1 was 3km/h. hopefully they will keep this skating in next tuner
  11. that photo is nice! and kenu is really doing right things now
  12. whadumeen?
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