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jergelii last won the day on August 8 2020

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  1. Free RW/C Elite or top Pro level. Backup is fine too🤝 Contact here, psn or instagram dms
  2. Free RW/C Looking for starter role in Elite team. Backup role is also fine if i dont find anything intresting. I’ve had some motivation issues lately but im ready to start grind again. Last season i played RW but can play center too. Contact me here or PSN.
  3. Free C/RW for FCL, backup or starter. Maybe not so tikis becouse kesäloma but maybe yes. Contact me here or psn jergeli 😚
  4. TOP 5 Elite: LW: PleeMaker, Puantso, Krike, Joukki & JaKurrii C : Dominointi, Patzlaf, Beniitto, tbnantti & Kuru RW: FlyerKungen, Eki, NikkeD, Indi & Neazz1 LD: xDoumi, Nassustelija, jtorro, Janzuh & Makeaxl RD: willekunq, loimmu, iilmarii, vvilj0 & Samza96 G: Hansulinho, Sibeelius, ICappeI, Jombb & swagx88 TOP 3 Pro: LW: Nieppii, Jorma2001 & xBensis C : Joonasaurus, Mozja & Vire30 RW: Sannteri, KrisutusB & Pursuitti LD: Crisu_Rottis, Supremski & xMotzz RD: Originaljets29, vJokkee & Patsberg_ G: Pelkoneen, xBenuu & Holtzi
  5. Free C/RW looking for Elite team Contact me here or PSN.
  6. What is Butterfly Effect? "The Butterfly effect is an idea that says that a small change can make much bigger changes happen." Our Story: This team journey started in ECL 5 Lite division, i played with my irl friends and few extra pieces @JaKurrii @EABUNKA @kojowaa etc. We won Lite championship in first season when i started to play 6vs6. ECL 6 we got promoted to Pro division, we make few roster changes @RutonMosse @Stylez-Hades @Roisto999 etc. Season was pretty solid, we went to playoffs but we couldnt beat Monarchs in Round 2 at Playoffs and our season was over. Our team was builded with great guys and great players but we didn't play practise games enough. Then i made few roster changes in summer, we changed our team name Red Machine to Butterfly Effect. @Vilupoika @Nassustelija & @vviljo joined the team, ISCup 3 was next tournament and we made it in TOP-8 but lost BO3 to Symphony and didn't qualified at LAN Event. After ISCup was time for ECL 7 and we added @JM98Jm & @Crisu_rottis to our roster and made to playoffs but we lost first round against Written In The Stars. After that @Vilupoika get maybe first money contract in NHL history and signed with Team Frosty, @Nassustelijasigned with SKY, @vviljo signed first with Team Frosty and then Unlucky Boys & @RutonMosse signed with Symphony. It was sad thing to lost players & friends like that, we have good thing going and i really enjoyed to play with that team. But those were seasons when most of our players stepped up and become great players. ECL 8 i wanted to stay with my team and quickly made some kind of roster. @xDoumi @Joukki @Totalii joined our team, season was disaster IMO. Team spirit was bad and playing wasn't fun anymore. Summer was coming and i was hoping that FLY is not done. Last summer we signed @Vilupoika @NikkeDangles @vviljo & @Nampa77 I personally had to change my player position Right wing to Center. I Remember when we were looking for RW or Center to our team. I noticed @NikkeDangles in beginning of NHL 19 and i just had the feeling that this kid is going to be one of the best players in the scene sometime. @Vilupoika was little bit confused to me signing 15 years old guy without Elite experience. But what you can say? We played multiple nights with @NikkeDangles and noticed that he is next superstar. We played at Spring League with good level and realized that we can beat top teams and we even made in to the finals but couldn't beat SKY, our lucky was the day when NHLGamer published Finnish Championship tournament at August 2019. We made to LAN Event and get Bronze, that was the tournament when we really stepped up in team and played our team to TOP team in NHL scene. NHL 20 was published and we signed with goalie named @PCJP, didn't take long when NHLGamer published ISCup4 tournament our goal was clear, win the whole tournament. We got ourselves to LAN Event again. Semifinals was in LAN against HAVU Gaming, two first games went to HAVU but after that we changed few thing our playing style and we got two next wins. Game 5 was something else, so tight always to the end of 3rd period, i was the guy who get the best chance in that game. Breakaway in last 10 seconds of 3rd but i couldn't finish that and we go to overtime, overtime was tight as usually i take stupid penalty and HAVU scores and made to the finals. Bronze games was against FILADELPHIA but we couldn't play same level with last night disappointment in our heads. FILA takes Bronze and we were left with 4th. After that i went to speak with eSport organization. After ISCup 4 we signed one of the best goalies in the scene @sibeelius ECL 9 was good from us, regular season #3 standings. First round playoffs against Unlucky Boys and we won them 4-1. Semifinals against HAVU Gaming again. First 4 games was really good from us but HAVU still managed to win 2 games of them, series was 2-2. We played last 3 remain games next night and we lost series 4-3. Disappointment again. HAVU was to big hill to climb. @Vilupoika didn't have motivation to play in start of NHL 20, but when we get ourselves to LAN event, things were looking better with him and he told me that he have more motivation now. But when you lose three times in a row same team at playoffs your motivation is going to get lower, after that we have a meeting with eSport organization and that went pretty good. Contracts are ready, players wanted to sign. But @Vilupoika started to think why would he go organization because he don't have any intresting at the game anymore. He told me that he is going to quit playing NHL and we have to look another left wing for our team. I'm not mad to @Vilupoika why would i? He made right decision to quit and that's it. After hearing those kind of sad news we speak with team members and realizing that there is no another @Vilupoika, guy was a beast. But still we have to try something out because contract is still in the table. Last night i got text message from @NikkeDangles that he is going to sign another team. This is so big change that we couldn't take anymore. There is no replacement of those two young guys. I told to eSport organization that we are not at the moment good enough to sign with them and deal is off. I want to make sure everyone that i'm not mad for anyone, one thing leads another thing and that happened. That is Butterfly Effect. So i don't know is this the end of Butterfly Effect or what but i told our players that they can ask another team if they want, all of our players is one of the TOP players at their position. I wanted to thank all Red Machine & Butterfly Effect players, i have made so many friends in this team! 🦋💜 #FLYHIGH - Team founder and captain jergeli P.S. Sorry for spelling mistakes, thanks for google translator and bad english.
  7. Butterfly Effect 🦋 Is looking for LW Contact me here to get more information!
  8. Butterfly Effect IN: SibeIius from FILADELPHIA Out: P__C__J__P
  9. Butterfly Effect 🦋 IN: xteemuzz from Lionhearts PCJP from TIKI TALK OUT: Nampa77 -> ? Roisto999 -> HAVU Gaming
  10. Butterfly Effect 🦋 We are looking for Goalie upcoming ECL & other tournaments. Maybe starting goalie, maybe second. It’s up to you. Contact me here or PSN 🌚
  11. Best players in ECL 8 (No FLY ECL8 players) LW: PleeMaker: One of the greatest forward in the scene, so good with the puck, can score, can pass and very solid in d-zone. Tough guy to play against. Other mentions: Puantso, Vilupoika, RutonMosse & MukiMaisteri C : Dominointi: Player name I Suck, but you know what? He doesnt suck.. So high hockey IQ, so important piece of SKY. Great at faceoffs, very good in every game situation, hard to say any bad things about Seppo. Other mentions: Patzlaf, Penatski, Martindalexc & tbnantti RW: FlyerKungen: Imo he is best player in the scene for now, unique playing style, versatile with the puck, hard to takeaway puck against him, top scorer at ECL8, very solid in d-zone & if u watch his games he doesnt make almost any mistakes with the puck. Other mentions: Eki, indi, Foppa & TimFlyersFan. LD: Nassustelija: Pörhönen to Tähtönen, damn what a breakout season he had, prove the potential atleast in ECL 8, great game vision, solid in own d-zone & annoying to play against.. hard choice between Nassu and Janzuh. Other mentions: Janzuh, Alpha_Furyan, Supremski & vSilenttio RD: willekunq: Guy who can be out for games for couple weeks and his solid game still continues strong, so calm with the puck even with other team putting some pressure he still can come out with the puck, hard to challenge in 1v1 situations. Other mentions: ilmari30, jtorro, ma0nii & will_yo G: Hansulinho: Wow what a season he had.. Shotout after shotout, berry after berry. Great goalie. Other mentions: Zande95, Cappe, Supreex & Sandro/RPH Lot of SKY players but imo what a season they had..
  12. Butterfly Effect 🦋 Roster for rest of NHL19 LW : Vilupoika C : jergelii RW : NikkeDangles LD : xDoumi RD : will_yo7 RD/LD : Totalii G: JANURI98 G: Roisto999
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