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ilikkaa last won the day on July 7 2021

ilikkaa had the most liked content!

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  1. TEAM FOR ECL?!?!?💦 Preferably forward > can play D-man also Any level, I don't care; let's play!🤑 Godtier backup player 💥 Twitter
  2. It's fun to be quite bad in both games, but still good enough that I can't participate 😃 👍
  3. free F for FCL, no backup ty 😵 contact me here, psn: ilikkaa, twitter or discord: ILIKKA#4591 https://sportsgamer.gg/players/1699#nhl
  4. comeback??♿ free f (prefer rw) for upcoming ecl core or lite. experienced player, former hut nerd and most hated player in facebook groups. contact here, on twitter: @ilikkaa or at psn: ilikkaa https://sportsgamer.gg/players/1699#nhl
  5. Free F for RCL/WECL dm here or psn: ilikkaa or twitter @ilikkaa
  6. moiksu muksut oon pro pellaaja nii pro sarjaan pitäs päästä pellaamaa!! emmäätiiä vissii hyökkääjäksi psn ilikkaa ja DakkeNingles
  7. ☹️
  8. TOP 2 every pos from ECL10 Pro and offseason (no RJ) LW: Nieppii (vaikka paras), Wirtsuuu (he has been promising but can be a flop) C; Mozja- (the center every team needs) thewix_1 (just good, simple as that) RW: itspardytime (add some height to your build and u are ready for elite + better player than everyone think), Jerax13 (i've always liked how he plays) LD: xMotzz_ (hands), HolyFlyer (everything) RD: Seahyena (defending), originaljets29 (attacking) G: roory366 (personally my fav goalie), SpiderRoyal (legend) Honorable mentions: apetttaja (simple guy who knows how to score and pass) Crisu_Rottis (maybe top2 but I know him only from stats) Sannteri (sauna, mestaruusvyö jne?) Tried to include as many as I could from different teams. RD was hard to decide. Thanks and sorry.
  10. free c/rw for upcoming tournaments (military service 06.07.2020) https://nhlgamer.com/player.php?playerID=1699
  11. free f for ecl9 (backup is ok), no hawaii hockey anymore ty
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