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Jarvinder last won the day on June 20 2020

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  1. Free Backup F/D Lite/Pro https://sportsgamer.gg/players/1690
  2. Free Fwd/d for fcl, preferably backup. Psn: Jarvinder_ https://nhlgamer.com/players/1690
  3. Free C/LW for the upcoming tournaments. Looking for a team in top lite or higher. Backup is fine if at least some tournament games is guaranteed. Can play most nights between 19-22(cet) and even longer on the weekends. I speak fluent English so nationality doesn't really matter. Playercard: https://nhlgamer.com/players/1690 Psn: Jarvinder_ Discord: Jarvinder#4517 Contact me here or any of the options above
  4. Bask Nation is looking for a defensemen outside major nations(fin, ger, rus) for SCL. Pm me and we can arrange a last minute try-out.🥳
  5. Bask Nation (SCL) We are currently looking for: a starting forward (Lw/C/Rw doesn’t matter) a backup forward who can play at multiple positions a backup defensemen who can play at both sides a backup goaltender Nationality doesn’t matter because right now we are 5 Swedes and one Norwegian.
  6. Hello people! 👋 The swedish and recently started club Bask Nation (looking to start in Lite) are looking for players of top lite/pro caliber. What we are looking for: - Starting defensmen - Starting skater (we can adapt to where you fit the best) - 2nd Goaltender who will split/fight for the starting position - Couple of backup skaters who can play at multiple positions We expect you to be able to communicate in swedish or english and to be able to play 3-5 times per week between 20.00-23.00(CEST). Our goal: Our goal is to make a run in the playoff and advance to the pro division at the end of next ecl, which we see as fully possible. If it will be possible, we are looking to compete in Scl, Spring League etc. If you are interested and fit the profile contact me or Sparkaronnberg here or on Psn(Jarvinder_/Sparkaronnberg).
  7. 18y/o swedish skater looking for a top Lite or Pro team, preferebly swedish but I am open for anything. Can play everything exept G but I prefer C/LW. Can play almost every day. I am open for a backup position if the team is really good. Contact here or on Psn: Jarvinder_ https://nhlgamer.com/players/1690
  8. Free skater for eSHL! Backup is fine also. Psn: Jarvinder_ https://nhlgamer.com/player.php?playerID=1690
  9. Looking for a swedish team for ECL/IS Cup. Can play everything except goalie, but I prefer C or LW. Psn: Jarvinder_
  10. Free skater looking for a swedish team in spring league, can play everything but Goalie. Psn: Jarvinder_
  11. Free agent for SCL! Can play anything but goalie. Psn: SvEnDr74
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