We are looking for a new team member.
Team: Freddie Mercury Institute (Lite)
NHL-gamer rank: 52th total, top teams in Lite.
ECL7 Goal: Pro
ECL6 Playoffs round 3
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You need to be:
- Finnish speaking
- play at least RD-position
- left-handed
- mature enough to be able to learn from your mistakes and criticism given by your team mates
- able to follow instructions and adapt your game in the way team lead wants
- you are willing to contribute your time and effort the whole season (ECL7)
What we don't need:
- players who think their level is enough to have a spot in the first team without any effort. It will not happen. You need to prove yourself everytime on ice and be ready to do so from the very beginning
- players who think they know better. You actually might do so, but in a team it does not work like that. In a team everyone has to follow plan and at this phase we are not looking for a tactician or a player who goes solo mode. We already have one tactic and no solo player is needed
If you are interested to be part of a demanding but otherwise fair group and match above description - please be in touch with KickingApollo and he will organize a tryout for you.
Also, this is a reading comprehension test. Any tryout requests sent to me are ignored.
Best regards,