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Everything posted by XD_Jacke

  1. Free backup g for ecl, fcl and scl. Looking for pro in ecl but the rest I don’t care what level hit me up here, dc or ps :XD_Jacke
  2. Free g, i’m searching for a 50/50 pos in a top lite/pro club. If interested contact me on Dc.:XD_Jacke https://sportsgamer.gg/players/15064
  3. Just saying from a goalies perspective, I think tipper ( gold or silver) is just too op, and I think that unstoppable force has been nerfed (this perspective is from me playing hut). For me is safe to say that tipper is just too op
  4. Free g for upcoming ECL. 50/50 is what I’m looking for. Top lite/pro. If this sounds interesting hit me up on DC: XD_Jacke https://sportsgamer.gg/players/15064
  5. free g for upcoming tournaments, I’m searching for 50/50 or 100%. Lite/pro. if you’re interested hit me up on DC :xd_jacke https://sportsgamer.gg/players/15064
  6. Free g, 50/50, shared spot or starter. Looking for a Lite/Pro team. If this sounds good hit me up on Discord for tryout! Discord: xd_jacke https://sportsgamer.gg/players/15064
  7. Free g, 50/50, shared spot or starter. Looking for a Lite/Pro team. If this sounds good hit me up on Discord for tryout! Discord: xd_jacke https://sportsgamer.gg/players/15064
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