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  1. Will it also be for Xbox One?
  2. Hi Soo we are now 3 days away from the announced startdate for the Xbox tournament. When will we get informations such as game schedule and how to use the game stats api? //Vildmanden93//
  3. Great video! Nice for us goalie noobs
  4. Do you understand Danish?
  5. Game arranging games would definitely be easier on Discord. And it's a great program for fun talk between players who normally wouldn't interact on a forum. I see that the chat on this site is active. But the Discord chat is way easier to overcome and to get an overview of what's being talked about. Most games nowadays uses Discord, so I think it would be natural for ECL to use it too. Like Depch says, I too, don't think it will fragment the community, but rather give more life to the community. That's just my thoughts about it
  6. What's the link for the server? I would definitely join it
  7. Are you by any chance from Denmark? Ohh and welcome
  8. Hi! I'm new here, I already have a team, and we were thinking about getting started. Any tips and tricks and good explanations off how things work around this league are welcome Vi leder efter danske spillere, så svar gerne her (Xbox)! //Vildmanden
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