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BenandRhian last won the day on December 19 2024

BenandRhian had the most liked content!


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  1. Looking for a team to join I have a few seasons experience in ECL NEO as well as in the playoffs. I also have experience in a few other leagues. I’m happy to stay in NEO or move up to CORE. I’m also available for GCL when that is up and running. I only speak English but I am happy to use a translator app to communicate with people. If you’re looking for a goalie feel free to drop me a message.
  2. Looking for a team to join I have a few seasons experience in ECL NEO as well as in the playoffs. I also have experience in a few other leagues. I’m happy to stay in Neo or move up to CORE if a team is willing to give me a chance. I’m also available for GCL when that is up and running. I only speak English but I am happy to use a translator app to communicate with people. If you’re looking for a goalie feel free to drop me a message.
  3. Had a couple seasons in Neo now, looking for a new team. Happy to be a back up. NEO or CORE
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