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  1. Free aGent G looking for a team. I just want to play to learn new things and improve on what I already know and can do. In fact, despite the statistics of my Games, I'm not such a bad. Check and see for yourself.
  2. For anybody. For any team. Free goalie. Normal goalie... Good goalie. psn: i_Hescher_i Discord: drew_hescher
  3. Hi, everybody. Free goalkeeper. Looking for a team to participate in the new season of ECL. I would like to find a team that would trust enough playing time to show everything I can do and learn something else. My history of playing in previous ECL championships is not extensive and not rich, but it is there. And you can see it in my profile. I am not a beginner and therefore I know how to do something. Ready for any try-outs and viewings. I can play at any time. Thank you for your attention. psn: i_Hescher_i Discord: drew_hescher
  4. Free G for FCL and GCL. Contact me here or PSN: i_Hescher_i
  5. Free G for all upcoming tournaments. Ready to try-out and back-up. PSN: i_Hescher_i
  6. LADA is looking for players to participate in the NEO championship. All positions are needed, regardless of the level of the game.
  7. Lada is looking for players for all positions to participate in the ECL Neo. We don't care where you are from - PlayStation or XBox. Contact us: PSN: AVS_Hesher or here.
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