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  1. Ultimatum (Lite) is looking for a starting RD, preferrably one that speaks finnish. Contact me, @vepdsssss or @Willenho here.
  2. Hi! Hokurit is still searching for a backup goalie. Contact @shipachyov or me
  3. Interesting idea. Glory and reputation are good prizes of course, but adding money would make it more interesting. I think it would add motivation for everyone, those who grind a ton and those who play more casually - making it a more serious thing. Personally I'd prefer a laddered type of payment system based on the playing level, meaning that Elite could have somewhere around 100€ buy-in for team, Pro 40€ and Lite 15€. With those amounts it would be Elite 1600€, Pro 1200€ and Lite 900€ based on ECL 6's team amount in each division. This could be split something like 60% for winner, 30% for second place and 10% to NHLGamer. That way we would have prizes to play for, and some money to improve this community and for keeping things going on. Should there also be a division without payments? Yes. That brings more new players and teams to compete together which is never a bad thing. Also taking notes on summer cup, being a true amateur in this game compared to those guys who play a lot, I'd like to see summer cup being a stepping board for everyone where you can introduce yourself to new people and play with them having a blast and learning new things. If there are prizes included in summer cup, the best players are going to play the games hence dropping the idea of networking and having a blast - which I truely believe should be summer cup's purpose. Just my quick two cents, I'll show myself out 🙈
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