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JaikenK last won the day on November 26 2015

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  1. Trojan Hc Im searching for a new or old LD friend! Playstyle like maybe Sumpi laininen or better ofc im just jokeelinen hehe contact me hehe or discord Jaiken-- in dc Cya
  2. Syntax Error Now we searching for one Defender to Ecl and we dont interested of low experience players. you should have atleast 800+ cr in 6v6 /jaiken
  3. Hi there all eSHL players! Jaiken and Bjono now looking for a eSHL team Call in us for tryout Rd and Center/HF
  4. Team: Syntax Error Captains: jaikenK, Patovic More info coming soon!
      • 3
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  5. You are Legend in my eyes and i Will never forget you! Rest in peace Daniel❤
  6. When SCL start
  7. Should be Swedish only
  8. Hey all! just want to say that this was my decision to leave the Sjukstugan and have nothing with bjono or anyone to do! why I left where the Alliance found no defender and felt a little guilty of it! Now, Alliance will not play because they did not get together! So now I'll just take it a little quiet and play Fortnite instead! Good luck to you guys and have fun! cya smyg puss på dej Cappe ❤️ haha
  9. Känner att det jag tänkte skriva redan finns utskrivet. De jag tänkte på kanske är kamera vinkeln. När man kör klassik med autozoom sen trycker du en gång på mitten knappen så den fokusar dig och sen håller du in mitt knappen 1-2 sekunder och då ser man hur det zoomar ut lite granna och den kamera vinkeln vill jag ha som standard utan att hålla på . Att det finns en option om man vill ha så eller inte. Låter lite långsökt men kamera vinkel är viktigt för mig Och små detaljer!
  10. what to say about this goalie! he like jokes i can say to you! vad dricker kossorna jo det är vit färg yeah but back to cappe! he is really good! but its sad he play in Finland but i still love him see you on the ice Cappe
  11. Ofc you can swish me later
  12. sry i need to say 1.Sjukstugan, if Norpe go play Winger instead of center 2. written/Car 3.Sjk 4.Nos
  13. Alliance Ht Looking for Left Defender one with good experiance i can trust on /msg me
  14. Mainy Rd . i can play other pos too with ok experiance. Contact is Jaikenk Cya
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