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Strumpan87 last won the day on May 2 2023

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  1. Free lw/c for Gcl. Starter or backup does not matter
  2. Djurgården is searching starting Ld
  3. Djurgården in: @eliekamel87💛❤💙 from Luleå @Viktorhall 💛❤💙 from Valco Out: @Tizjeflen Lycka till min vän och tack för allt. 💛❤💙 @Zupancic_King424 Tack för din tid 💛❤💙 Hv71
  4. You gonna ban truculence?
  5. I can tell you that I respect svamp 100 procent. Yes i have been fucking mad at him also but he always says and write what he thinks thats the best type of people i think. Not talking shit behind back and stuff and he is not trying to kiss other peolpe back just for likes. He has my respect 100 procent and in this he speaks just the truth.
  6. Free lw/ld for ecl. With kids and wife my motivation and time for practice is not so High. So if you are a team that wants to practice everyday im not your guy but if you want a guy that loves to compete when its ecl and its ok with that I dont practice so much then write. I still think i can compete in a high level so i search for pro teams but lite teams are also welcome to write. Sorry my bad english 🤣
  7. Next one Espen knutsen 💛❤💙 @Suth98_. The norwegians need there voice heard 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  8. @Suth98_ Take this idiot please
  9. But i told you start writing for nhlgamer yourself and you dont have this problem anymore. Its easy to complain but do something about it instead. If you have the time to check every fucking team and watch games everday to see who the best defender this season is then this suits you perfect. I understand the man who wrote this article. He goes for the guys who do the points. I would do the same. I dont have the time to watch other games. Especislly when he doesent get paid. If you want better previews start writing for them. Simple as that.
  10. You schould start to write this stuff then the problem is solved and you dont have to complain. Or be happy that someone write for free about each division. Omg its a videogame who cares who writes about who. Just play
  11. @esdoris in our team also 😍😍😍
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