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  1. Free LW for FCL (...or SCL even)! https://sportsgamer.gg/players/1226
  2. Free LW or C for FCL. PM here for tryout. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/1226
  3. Kaksi yhden hinnalla. Minä ja @JanEerikBanan etsitään FCL -joukkuetta. Suurimman osan "urasta" ollaan oltu hyökkääjiä, mitkä tahansa positiot käy, mutta puolustus on myös täysin mahdollista. Ollaan pelattu paljon Coressa ja joskus vähän korkeammallakin. Alla viimeisimmät ECL Winter 24 / Core tilastot. Jos tämän kuultuasi ajattelet "yeeesh", kutsu meidät tryoutille!
  4. HC PALOSAARI , the legendary team dating back to PS3 times, is making a comeback. And it is a big one! We have some major signings today: @hepo_pukki and @JanEerikBanan have signed player contracts and bring lots of skill and experience for our upcoming Core division conquest. @assgoal_master will be guarding the net once he can figure out a player name without getting banned. Also returning players include @stimperi, @Mosoo62, @reubani and @Oddlove007.
  5. Player licences are appropriate as is. It is an equal and a good way to pay expenses for LA. If there was transparency on cost structures etc, even a bit higher player license fees would be tolerable. I am sure most of us agree that there are expenses that need to be covered. But for lower divisions especially, the team fees compared to prize pools on those divisions look really out of place. Its not a good look, recreational players paying for "division entry fees", that go for the most part on other expenses than their divisions prizes. Thats my two cents.
  6. Free C or LW for FCL. Finnish. https://sportsgamer.gg/index.php/players/1226#nhl I am a team player who can pass the puck quickly and effectively, and sometimes put it in the net too. Focus on solid two-way team play. Not a dangler or a puck hog. Backup role is also good.
  7. Free C/LW. Finnish. Lite/Core/Neo, all good as long as its a good group https://sportsgamer.gg/players/1226#nhl
  8. Looking for a team to play with and participate in future tournaments. I prefer C, but can also play LW/LD. I am a very experienced team player. Finnish. Hit me up for a tryout!
  9. Free LW or LD for upcoming Spring tournament. Im an experienced team player that can adapt to different roles and playing styles. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/1226#nhl Any division works for me (okay not elite or pro) as long as its a good spirited team. Finnish preferred, also a mature group as i am no youngster anymore. Backup role also fine. Message me here
  10. HC Palosaari (core) looking for a starting winger and/or dman for upcoming ECL Winter. We are experienced teamplayers, and hope you are too. Finnish only. Msg me here or PSN: stimperi
  11. HC Palosaari (Core) looking for two additions that can play wing and/or defense to the team for upcoming Core division. We have good systems in place and our game was getting stronger when the Warmup tournament went on. We feel like we can challenge Lite/Core teams very well. We would like you to have some experience from past tournaments. Adults only and "serious" tryouts only. Also finnish language needed. Message me here or PSN: stimperi
  12. HC Palosaari (Core) needs a defenseman. You will be a part of a small rotation so playing time guaranteed. 50/50 +. Tryouts asap and tryout will include playing in the warmup lineup shortly if you are the right fit. Message me here or PSN: stimperi
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