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KepakkoFIN last won the day on January 1 2022

KepakkoFIN had the most liked content!

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  1. GHETTO FIREBIRDS mentioned. Torille!
  2. King 👑❤️
  3. GHETTO FIREBIRDS IN: Jerax13 from Conquer Gaming
  4. GHETTO FIREBIRDS are currently looking for starting RW. Our goal for starting season is winning Pro division and get promotion back to Elite. Contact here or PSN: KepakkoFIN Check also our twitter: https://twitter.com/GHETTOFIREBIRDS
  5. Hello Conquer Gaming is making some refreshing changes in offense. We are currently looking for two wingers LW and RW. Our only goal for next season will be winning Pro division and get promotion back to Elite. Contact here or PSN: KepakkoFIN
  6. Conquer Gaming IN Jahajaha93 from Djurgarden Hockey Flopper71_ from Reality Check HC OUT talonmies69 to SAWO ESPORTS
  7. Hello! GHETTO FIREBIRDS has experienced some big changes these few days and now we are looking for starting RD for upcoming tournaments. We are currently playing in Elite. Contact here or PSN: KepakkoFIN
  8. You have still time to win GHETTO FIREBIRDS snapback!
  9. Ghetto mainittu, torille!! P.S. Congratulations to both UB and YMCA
  10. With 3-2-1-0 point system Elite standings doesn't look that different. Everyone just has bit more points and some spots has changed. 6. Kova 8-2-2-9 32pts 7. FBK 7-2-3-10 28pts 8. Roots 7-2-3-8 28pts 9. BPH 5-5-2-10 27pts 10. GFB 5-1-10-6 27pts 11. Gotham 6-1-5-10 25pts 12. Luleå 6-1-5-10 25pts 13. SJ 5-4-2-11 25pts 14. Checkmate 1-7-2-10 19pts 15. Pompa 5-1-0-12 17pts 16. AF 4-1-2-15 16pts (There can some mistakes)
  11. Cancun Pirates 😍
  12. We found what we needed
  13. I highly recommend to give this guy a chance. Great guy and player!
  14. Give this guy a chance. Great and humble young man. Allready solid G and is hungry to learn something new everyday!
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