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News Record Comments posted by Aantri

  1. Q1.

    Players have asked about training room availibility in eashl mode for years. In 6vs6 mode it would be really good if you could train specific plays with your teammates. The common idea is coded into free practice mode. Why can't there be a selection to choose your eashl player for it and invite friends to it (or it to have same kind of dressing room as in for team division matches?) Why hasn't this been brought to the game yet?


    Also we have asked for the GM connected mode where you could have fun with your friends in GM mode. Years have passed from the first request of the game mode and the GM connected is still absent.

    Addition because of @Mannheimer1938 pointed it out


    2. Was it 4 or 5 years ago that the community wants to have the goalie as a 6 manually played player on the ice if he leaves for the extra player? Why it's not implemented, what's the problem and when do you think it's not completely impossible to fulfill this "dream"?

    Nowdays in 6v6 games it seems pointless to pull the goalie on incoming penalty or in the end if you are looking for the game tying goal because the AI players do not have any sense on playing on top level 6v6. They usually give a poor pass or shoot the puck in a position that won't go in a million years. --> Teams usually don't take goalies out in such situations. If the 6th player was a human player (goalie --> on ice player) there would be so many more possibilities in these situations and teams would actually use the option to pull the goalie like in real hockey.

    If you are thinking about the class of the player that comes to the ice:
    - Have each goalie have it as personal preset with class selection or like perk selection (goalie pull class --> Select one of your builds or select)
    - Have it standard preset for everyone. Teams are usually searching for goal scoring ability in these situations. This could also go with perk selection (Possible options: Goal scorer, playmaker, powerforward)
    - Or just have it as the goalie will always come as one class. For example the build that the current sixth player (AI) has


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  2. 10 minuuttia sitten, ReDMisTi kirjoitti:

    GHETTO!!!! Finally we meet bromigos! 😉 #rivalrytime #aantriOP #AJeiuskallapelatakuningasAantriaVS

    #kovanaamapeliähuutaa #kepapenkittääetteiteitäpelota #pisteetmeneekuulemmakolmekolme #ennustaja

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