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jm98II last won the day on November 26 2024

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  1. A one-timer is the most effective way to score in real life. Why shouldn't it be the case in this game as well? Sure, variation in scoring would be nice, but the game mechanics are what they are
  2. Yeah, I don’t really know what I’m talking about even But Vattu and Sokkelo said it well atleast. nothing is really 'broken' so why change anything? Trucu it's own thing idc, it's annoying but 🤷‍♂️
  3. I don’t know do any elite wingers even have shooting stats below 80? Of course, centers and defensemen tend to have lower shooting stats since speed and other key stats are crucial for their positions. I personally use the Sniper build, with 86 shooting stats. Sure, I could boost it a little, but Close Quarters and One-Tee balance it out. In general, almost every elite winger uses the Sniper build, with an average of around 87 shooting stats (based on what I've seen) When comparing this to the goalie build, there’s a clear imbalance. Goalies have glove high, low, and other key stats going above 90. Nobody really knows how much shooting perks boost shots, just like nobody knows how much goalie perks affect their stats.
  4. This game engine is essentially built around perks, which is EA's fault. The older NHL games had their issues, but I think the best ones were the ones without the BS X-Factors. But at the same time, comparing this NHL to the older ones is pretty pointless, as the game engine is completely different. Personally, I wouldn’t mind seeing what gameplay would be like with only silver abilities. Maybe it’s worth trying? Shooting perks are a must-have, sad but true. Of course, everyone should have their opinion, but banning everything would be the wrong decision, 100%. Banning every ability would be a problem if the players we use in clubs were a lot better than they are
  5. Free Lw if something interesting comes up PRO/ELITE I have a 10-game ban, but after that, I'm cleared to play Dm only on discord!
  6. 👋 Free Lw/Rw. PRO/ELITE DM ONLY ON DISCORD: Jm98II#9453
  7. YMCA Esports (ELITE) Looking for starting D. We would prefer RD but can discuss about LD also, U need to atleast have experiense in PRO but even better if u have played in ELITE. If ur interested contact me here
  8. YMCA Esports 🐼 In: @Konu from Nordic Stars In: @Koppipelaaja back from vacation Out: @Viltzup to FA
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