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  1. VID-20190704-WA0004.mp4 Well done my friends ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
  2. Free G for upcoming FCL! Starter, 50/50 - 11 ECL Seasons as a G in PRO - over 700 Sportsgamer games as G - German/ English fluent - 4-6 times per week available https://sportsgamer.gg/players/1309
  3. Nice preview! Good luck everyone in this season ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ™ƒ. I'm excited for good matchups!๐Ÿค—
  4. As Captain of Inter Iceland (Former Geekz Energy eSports) we will play this upcoming ECL PRO, but it would be fine, if our earnig from last ECL Spring /Playoffs Round 1 ~ 210 โ‚ฌ are here! I payed last year all from my side, and this year myb aswell, i don't the money so much, i have a good Private Life, but its not professionell to wait a half year for our earnig! And now i have to pay 560โ‚ฌ, but still wait for my 210 โ‚ฌ? Don't get me wrong, we like to play ECL, especially its the only Chance as a Team from Mittle Europe to play against the north, but if u have a prizepool, dont let the guys wait for their cashout! Kind regards josh
  5. Geekz Energy eSports -> Inter Iceland In: @PLA77NER (Hasek-39--) C @KrinkeA @Stefan_397 A @x Holtbeast (XXReuTschNer98Xx) @SuperMeean @P3aC3R_NHL(TheRealPehler) @o_KBenK_o(MclFly) Out: @xLVxRitchey @Fire_019
  6. Inter Iceland (PRO) Looking for starting LD Prefeur top lite or Pro experience Contact me here or discord Hasek-39--#2819
  7. Free G for FCL/SCL Starter/Backup 5-6 times available per week 7 consecutive seasons starting G in Pro 600+ games as G on SG https://sportsgamer.gg/players/1309#nhl DM me here or on Discord: Hasek-39--#2819 ๐Ÿ™ƒ
  8. Great preview, @jahajaha93& @Mikka๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ . Also all Teams good luck in the tournament
  9. Geekz Energy eSports in: @Krinkefrom Penta @SuperMeean from Berlin Eagles @Da1m0n from EHC Biel Bienne eSports out: @Bille123(bille1990) to Geekz Energy eSports II @rene hackberger(NoFun4U_96) to Geekz Energy eSports II @Charly(oCharlyo) to Geekz Energy eSports II Thx for everything guys, and welcome Krinke, Jamie & Nicolas! Especially @Charly, thank u for the last 4 Years! It was an honor, to play with u, and all the memories we have. #19 โค
  10. Free G for FCL Starter/Backup https://nhlgamer.com/players/1309 PSN: Hasek-39-
  11. Free G for CSCL ๐Ÿ˜€ https://nhlgamer.com/players/1309
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