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Heero last won the day on May 11 2017

Heero had the most liked content!

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  1. Banterfield Battalion (Pro) looking for forward. Guaranteed playtime. Contact me for more information.
  2. Bump. Could have use for centerman too.
  3. Banterfield Battalion(pro) still looking for ld or even rd. Lots of playtime guaranteed in both eashl and ECL. Contact me or mikka249 for more information.
  4. Bump. Still looking for ld.
  5. Banterfield Battalion looking for goalie. Most likely pro division. Msg me for more information.
  6. Banterfield Battalion still looking for ld/rd and maybe goalie too. Pro division.
  7. Prize pool 1200€ per game what do u mean?
  8. Banterfield Battalion still looking for goalie and rd. We will mostly likely play in pro.
  9. Bump. Still looking for G and Rd to challenge for starting spots. We are also looking for allrounder who can play both d and f. Or g and some other position. Unknown wheter we play in lite or pro next season. Pro or lite, we are one of the most playing and active teams not only on twitter but on ice too. We offer a great atomsphere in ambitious but at the same time chill team which is becoming better better day by day. I would say that we are the best ECL team By far. When it comes to other things such as.. Twitter. When it comes to the actual game.. Well.. yeah.. Decent? Anyway, if u wanna find out wheter you are too bad, too good or just perfect player to our team contact either me, Stu(graphic master) or Mikka(ebin) Then u can come play few games and we'll see
  10. Finnish based Banterfield Battalion is looking for active RD for next ECL. Pro/lite. Contact here or on psn: Nuija98
  11. ^^ Still lookin, fwd, d and g all welcome to try-out during the beta and after it if bois have some moti for nhl17 then. Guaranteed eLite hockey and maybe even pro if we are lucky.
  12. I know its podcast but imo it would be more enjoyable to listen if u add like gameplay or something u can watch on the background. Little bit boring for me now but maybe I am just a kiddo
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