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Everything posted by Way420Go

  1. "Experienced" free agent looking for a ECL team. Usually play G or Rd. Ld goes if need. If world is ending, then goes rw too 😀 Finnish or English. Got some experience from different leagues, ecl and goalie touch was on ecl lite 4, 1 game 1 win. Contacts on psn, forger to read sportsgamer
  2. Still available for replace / refill for team. Got some experience from past.
  3. Free agent available. First touch to NHL was at Nintendo when played Blades of steel or Ice Hockey Game. Since then, played sport game called NHL at year 93 to 2022. Been away for a while but still got this shit. Stickchecking and sharp passes are my strong parts what comes to playing ice hockey. Got some earlier experience from ECL, Goalie is easieat but prefer to play RD or RW Psn Id; PuuKapusta
  4. Free player for coming ecl season. Mostly played G but prefer D. Played this shit since 94. Age 36 Known as Puu Kapusta as ring Msg me @ playstation. Got ps5
  5. Free 34yo, somewhat experienced(1st hockey game: Blades of steel. 1st NHL: 94) goalie/Defender looking a team for coming season at neo/lite. First season was for practice and getting known to new nhl, now im ready for competitive gaming. Some of you guys may met me at nhlgamer community What do i expect from a team? - Not a so called project team, which is made an couple months ago - Good teamplay, good team spirit - Some idea how to score and defend. - at least 25 yo teammates, not so serious if there is couple of youngsters. Skills and teamplay makes a good gamer, other things aint so important. What to expect from me? - bad jokes - good company - restful playing - fair fellow to other gamers. Use to say straight what i think, dont be be scared about outspoked Finn. Or my old stats, thats the reason why i dont want to be part of a new project. There's a moment berofe next season, so put me an message at here or PSN: way420go and let' schedule a tryout for me. English/Finnish https://nhlgamer.com/players/1476
  6. Free Rw/D for coming seasons to ecl Neo(?) Earlier been a Goalie but its not mine thing anymore. Played game since '94 so know tricks on the field. Contact me straight at ps4. PSN: Way420go
  7. Puu Kapusta is looking a team for NHL21. I prefer to be a goalie but also can play LD or RW. Got some experience from ecl but would like to get some more. Contact me straight at PSN way420go Finnish or English. Peace
  8. Free agent Puu Kapusta is looking for team. 34yo fart. First curves to ice drew at Ecl4 lite. Prefer ld/rw/g positions. Looking team where i can play defense or rw, not just goalie. PM me here or psn: way420go
  9. 33 yo Experienced Goalie(not much exp in ecl though) looking for team to next ecl. Prefer Finnish language but speak also english. Missed last 2 seasons, took part to Origins rebuild. That's the main reason why want to sit into "ready" table. Msg me or psn: way420go Sincerely, Puu Kapusta //////// Samma på finska: 33 vee maalivahinretale hakee uutta jengiä ens ecl silmällä pitäen. Hakusessa lite jengi. 2 viimekautta meni ohi kun otin osaa Originisin uudelleenrakennusprojektiin. Tästä syystä ei jaksais enään mitään projekteja vaan tekis mieli istua "valmiiseen" pöytään.
  10. Free G/LD/RW, got some experience from Ecl. Currently in Ecl Lite Origins roster, cant get change to play so i want change a team. Now there is too big wall(thejoppi) to climb and even get a change to play. Ask Oku83 or Auron88 for trade or signing me. Sincerely, Puu Kapusta
  11. Someone wanna come to play hockey? 1 place for someone, free to choose Pm me
  12. G/Ld looking for second team. Contact psn:way420go
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