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  1. LD/LW searching for a team that will be in tournaments this spring/summer. Looking for starter minutes. Will try out
  2. Looking: any ECL level Postion: LD Language: Eng/Russian Psn: king_don_x
  3. Specifically, LD Looking to play in the ECL. Been playing mostly 3 on 3 the last month due to inactivity so I am looking to join an active ECL team/club. Currently, our club is D1, but it's inactive. drop in stats playing D 95% of the time. 712 games 800 goals 72 0assists 97 blocked shots 2400 takeaways 2300 hits Club playing D 100% of the time 187 gp 217g 222a Let me know. Willing to try out. Just looking for an active group. Moscow time king_don_x psn
  4. Division 1 club, "Two and a Half Glenn" looking to get into the ECL.We are recruiting players of all positions. Our core is solid, but the problem is that it is small. We need guys who are capable of being a number 1 scoring option on any given night. We have some great play makers. Our team is flexible and most of us can play any position on the ice. PM me here or add king_don_x, ninety20g, or provokacija on psn. We can try you out in a few club games first. Doesn't matter your position, though, a highly skilled forward will be coveted
  5. Alright here is the deal. I haven't played since NHL 2012. But I was regularly ranked in the top 25 in online versus...I just bought this game a month ago. My h2h skills are again very good as I am quickly working my way into the top 100....but my EASHL skills need to be developed... I play Defense...normally LD. I've played about 20 games, average about 2 points per game.... I need an active team who plays every night. I will try out if need be. ps4 king_don_x
  6. Forward, preferably C. I wrote in a other post that I've never played NHL 17, it's true. I haven't played since '09. In '09, I was ranked 3rd in the world and top 25 the year prior. Normally, I play madden, which I rank in the top .1% every year. Point is that I am good at sports games and will pick it up quickly so whoever gives me a chance I will be grateful and it will pay off greatly. I am an American living in Russia. So I am definitely looking for a European team. Unfortunately, I can only speak English and some Russian. The team I play with needs to be super active, like playing everyday type of active. Psn king_don_x
  7. Interested. Haven't even played NHL 17 yet. Actually, haven't played since 2009 when I was ranked 3rd in the world and top 25 the prior year. I know I will be able to pick up the nuances of the game very quickly. Psn king_don_x will be on for the majority of the day today
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