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Ampuhaukka last won the day on August 14 2019

Ampuhaukka had the most liked content!

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  1. Speedy Bros is looking for starting LW and C. If you are good 2-way forward and active enough, you might be player what we are looking for. Tryouts open almost every day, so lets build the team and play like an animals. Messages in here or psn Ampuhaukka78
  2. Experienced RD looking for ECL-club. Perfect time -yeah-, but no can do. Prefer well organized team with brainy captain. Can play every day. Contact here or PSN: Ampuhaukka78 EDIT: Club found
  3. After five tournaments with Speedy Bros Hockey its time to split from it and kick it to the rubbish dump ♻️. Nah, honestly some players got better offers. Position is RD and in regular club games can play C and RW if needed. I'm two way defender and i can play different play styles (offensive, hard-hitting, shading or what the captain want to). I think there is some players who will hate to play against me, so think about twice 😉. I want active team coz I will play every day if im not tripping somewhere. And starting positions only. https://nhlgamer.com/player.php?playerID=80 Msg in here coz im not at home right now. ♠️ ♠️ ♠️ ♠️ ♠️
  4. That was totally heartbreking news. I didnt knew him personally, but played against him for years and all of those years Floor was very hard to defend -just a great and skillfull player. Life can be so cruel and you will never know what gonna happent in the future. Everyone should live day by day and enjoy of every sunrise and remember to show love to your intimates. My deepest condolences to Floors family, friends and specially his teammates. Big fighting spirit for this black moment... ❤️: That Ampuhaukka, who cant stop you many times
  5. Speedy Bros Hockey is looking for back-up D and G. Defender who can play with both handness (LD/RD) is primacy #1. Our RD is out almost 6 weeks before next ecl. We are very active team and normally we will play every day about 21-24. Preferably finnish D. Back-up goalie can be even from Botswana. Contact me here or at PSN: Ampuhaukka78 or Kusimaakari
  6. "These are 5,20/litre in Suonenjoki, when Jamo is in the net" -Mertaranta 1995, final match
  7. Speedy Bros Hockey (Pro) Looking for very active center who can play with fast moving passes and see all players in the ice. We play normally every night, so you can come to tryout exc. today 😊 Feel free to send msg in here, or PSN: Ampuhaukka78 🏒 ♥️
  8. Speedy Bros Hockey was under the soil, but we digged up that and yesterday we harnessed it for a new beggining. Our roster is quite unknown, but the chemistry isnt -better than ever. Forwards: * JusaSoLow, Kusimaakari, Lowryy8, mir02k1, Tuuski_36 and Zundeh Defenders: * Ampuhaukka78 and Taunomaisteri Goalies: Jabmodes, Jormatsefiina and Sohvaperuna_ 💣💥
  9. Every kind of tournaments and even one ECL game with this DNA-situation is pure madness. Ridiculous.
  10. Termos! Speedy Bros Hockey is buried, so its time to find a new team. Im experienced and very active RD (I can play like every day). Back-up roles doesnt interest, starting positions welcome instead. https://nhlgamer.com/player.php?playerID=80 Ready to play, letz go. Contact here or PSN Ampuhaukka78
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