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  1. Asko here has a fair point. Here is one example how to do it (sadly its in finnish) for those who is willing to try: https://www.telewell.fi/files/tw-eav510_playstation4.pdf -Jiikoo
  2. Ramseyy is right- My message (hopefully) helps those who has errors because of some ports are blocked. Less dressroom, more play is what i am looking for -Jiikoo
  3. Hello Gamers, me and my teammate have had 0 errors after we unblocked following ports: TCP: 80,443,1935,3478-3480 UDP:3478,3479,3074,2001 I am not sure that this helps everyone but i think its worth of trying? BR Tseikei / Jiikoo P.S. these were only PS4 ports. I also have opened all ports nessessary to play with Xbone.
  4. Hello, Looking a club to play with. I have much experience playing 6on6 games. Mostly I have played lw but I also have played every other position. Best regards PSN id tseikei
  5. I always remember that i was youngest rookie of the year when i played with eagles
  6. Hello, Looking a club to play with. I have pretty much experience playing 6on6 (6on2 @ xbone ) games. Mostly I have played lw, but I also can play any other position. PSN id tseikei xb id jiikoo76
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