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KAWAIIII last won the day on April 1 2018

KAWAIIII had the most liked content!

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  1. FAAaaaaAAaaaa LW, C, LD Played before. Dont expect a starter pos. Preferably a team with a love for Psyduck.
  2. - Instant use of logos, templates, arenas etc. It's just a hazzle to get it tbh. - IF EA still want teams to progress from smaller to bigger rinks, give them the option to start ouf on an outdoor rink, ala free-for-all och NHL 09 Arcade - Make it more esports-friendly. Like in FIFAs esport-mode, if people disconnects from games and have to restart them, give them the option to start the game where the game ended, so we dont have to stand still for 10 minutes, watching some random douche run around searching for a meaning with life, like Patovic.
  3. ...I'm...the good guy now? Feels weird.
  4. But the thing is, esports in general dont use real names, and its for a good reason - it wants to differ from "real" sports. I also understand that some people gets....exited, for lack of a better word, to hear their names pronounced by a finnish commentator, but why should the EA NHL scene do something that the biggest esports in the world dosnt? Theres no sense in it. PSN IDS's the way to go, though.
  5. I have to question this. Name me one actual esport that have this rule, please. Some, like CS GO, showcase the name of the players sometimes, along with theit GTs,, but nobody (I dare say) calls Get_Right Christopher Alesund during streams. There's a difference between esports and "real" sports, and esport should, from a marketing perspective, keep the differences between the two forms of competition to differentiate themselves from the other. I do agree regarding the more obscene gamertags, though. They dont help any scene that wants to be taken seriously..
  6. This thread suddenly got relevant again 😮 C-(','Q) PSYiyiyiyiyi
  7. Hahaha! Colour me surprised..... Nah, dont.
  8. jumalpeku's kewl
  9. Good jo with the review. The collisions (skating into someone only by using left analog stick) should be dealt with since it's basically causing interference/obstruction as of right now - except they wont be called. The interface is atrocious. How is it possible to create such bad and slow menus with todays technology?
  10. MP's looking for a player for NHL19, hola at me if you're interested
  11. Since I've played in Lite this past year, plus that all the good teams leaves as soon as they see our mighty-fine uniforms (yes...that's the reason....), I havn't played against Cappe that much. He seems like a swell guy, though. Helpful, polite and with a sense for sarcasm - I like that in a person. Huzzah
  12. ^ This is also amusing
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