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ICappeI last won the day on April 17 2018

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  1. I'm not sure if I'm a fan of this or not... I think it's great that we at least try to see how the game feels without these abilities. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I love to see Truculence banned tbh because it will (probably) make the gameplay experience much more enjoyable for the skaters. Big Tipper is just a mess and you can still score on deflections so that's fine for me. Close Quarters - I don't think that it should be banned after NHL 23 because when you are close to the net I think it should be tougher as a goalie to stop pucks - Just as in real life. But I voted for it to be banned to see what the game would look like without it. (Sorry) Unstoppable Force - It was good to ban it to create a balance with banning Truculence. Ban goalie abilities? I don't mind. I still use the same stance/abilities and I'm not even sure if it helps me or not. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Moving forward - I understand that a poll is an easy thing to begin with taking a step to ban abilities but I would suggest to the release of NHL 24 that SportsGamer create a group for Elite/Pro (also a group with the Lite and lower divisions) representives from each team to evaluate eHSM/SCL/ECL. To create a fair view of how it feels as a player and work together to be onboard with directions of where we are heading into the future. With that being said - Good luck to everyone participating in eHSM, SCL and ECL!
  2. ICappeI


    Updated picture and links to our social media’s! INSTAGRAM - https://www.instagram.com/fhcesport/ TWITTER - https://mobile.twitter.com/fhcesport TWITCH - https://twitch.tv/fhcesport TIKTOK - https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMLXbaPPn/
  3. FILADELPHIA In @poliskontroll from NOR Out @SebbeLarsen86-> Vesa Pompa @SUPERVIRTA -> FA
  4. My top 5 at every position since EA released NHL 20 No players from Linköping HC LW: Puantso, Joukki, Vilupoika, Krike & Mukimaisteri. C: Dominointi, Beniittto, Tbnantti, Jergelli & AnhelKuru. RW: Flyerkungen, KingofApes, Eken, Indi969 & NikkeDangles. LD: xDoumi, Nassustelija, Makeaxl, Janzuh & Furyan.. RD: Willekunq, iIlmarii, viljo, Lehmannens, Temuuyy. G: Hansu, Jombb-, Sibbe, Rundqviist & Supreex. Honourable mentions Jorma - Maise - MartindalexC Antoniomannen - Re_Wenger UhhNikke
  5. ICappeI


  6. Cama Nylberti! @nylanderi
  7. 👍🏼 There will always be people who loves it and people who hates it. We just have to deal with it and do the best we can to make the oppurtunity with Linköping as successful as possible 💪🏻
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