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ramseyy2 last won the day on December 13 2020

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Community Answers

  1. Free g, can play 2-4 times a week backup is fine contact psn Ramsiil or here
  2. time for update (no ub players) C : dominointi, beniitto, jergeli, tbnantti, patzlaf lw: puantso, krike, plee, joukki, (vilu if he plays rw: NikkeDangles, Flyerkungen, Eki, indi, eken ld: Nassustelija, Doumi, torro, janzuh, antoniomannen rd: vviljo, willekunq, ilmari, loimmu, teemu g: hansu, cappe, sibe, supreex, uhnikke
  3. best team spirit and a team that I will remember only in good way. So sad it's over, and hats off to jergeli one of the best captains if not the best in the nhl scene.
  4. I still think It's competive SHL season, in SHL (the real hockey) is also playing players from different nations. Neither some team has 2 swedes or 2 finns in their starting lineup doesnt matter imo. It just tells me that this is competive season and I think every team wants to win right?:D so why not pull to best roster. If the same season would be for finland I wouldn't care at all if some team had team full of swedes, the point is to play (in this case) against different finnish league teams. Dont mind my rallyenglish
  5. 3 years same answear maybe next year I will be amazed
  6. Three years same question maybe this time, will the practice mode come back to eashl
  7. 2, 1 just sounds unfair for elite captains and I think u should ask the elite captains option not the community. They are the ones who this rule is going to hurt Edit: maybe I go captain and vote nr 1 so I can get 2 elite players ez
  8. Ok one thing more guess its too late but maybe someone in nhl productors can find this🤷 Hut: please bring a phone app for hut like fifa 19 companion. Thanks
  9. world of chel: all the errors during the whole nhl of the year is too much. too much tuners which change the gameplay completely. Also the practice mode would be amazing to have back. when penalty coming and goalie going to bench, the goalie can come in as a 6th player Hut: same with the tuners. also I think the player amount is ridiculous, how easy it is to get a good team. maybe competive seasons should have player prices more often than packs. Vs: same servers like in hut and chel pls. saving lines and strategies so u dont have to change them everytime franchise mode: - gameplay: puckpickups, random bumbs (animations), server problems (still sometimes) menus: The menu is not as smooth as is was like in old gen😄 doesn't matter how simple the menu is imo if it works good other: spectator mode to 1v1 and eashl. there would be more but these are what comes first to my mind:)
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