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MCH_98 last won the day on October 19 2023

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  1. Not allowing to take a timeout at all just makes zero sense. A well timed timeout just before full bar (for example goalie gets the puck and freezes it) is just as good of a tactic as taking it on full bar and has no bug involved🤷‍♂️ oh well, let's hope they somehow fix it tomorrow (lol)
  2. Opera Hockey: In: @jg697000 (Gresu__) Welcome Gresu🥰✌ our roster is now complete.
  3. Opera Hockey (Pro) in: @MCH_98 @Pursuitti @James @Siivone- @vSilenttio @Niskalaukaus
  4. And now you are just talking shit only thing i said to "some of the Leksand guys" (which was one btw) was that i think it's kind of shit to rctic to not be here also, but in the same time there is only a week to play this so Gamer had to make decisions. "No offence Be a Bro." And then you come and cry to me like a little bitch. Best team will win qualies anyway🤷‍♂️ Us not taking part last minute ain't gonna give Leksand a free spot at this point.😂
  5. In this case i would agree since they lost to the team that folded so it would make total sense to me. But ofc i'm not saying no to getting an opportunity in qualies😂 Just how the rules go i guess and we only had time for 4 teams this time anyway just wanted to inform Svamp why we are there.
  6. I guess Gamer wanted to make it the same way it was last season and we were the 5th team (moving up to 4th after Unlucky Boys folded) 😅
  7. Be a Bro in: @Pursuitti Welcome a new bro. We are now ready for the next ECL🙏
  8. Up, a fitting Center would also be fine! Contact me here, PSN or Discord: MCH_98 #0440
  9. Be a Bro (PRO) Due to our current LW having work and other activities, we are looking for active Starting LW (100% games in ECL). We are expecting you to be active (sunday)monday-thursday between 20-23(22:30)🇫🇮 and have Pro playoff experience. Also would prefer finnish players. Contact me or Sanezh here
  10. Jahajahas regular season prediction on Reality Check is a bit cryptic🌚 otherwise great work again @jahajaha93and @Mikka 💪
  11. Since a couple of Pro teams are not continuing in ECL Spring it would be nice to get confirmation if those are filled via Pro qualifiers and how many teams are qualifying? (Is there a BO5 series?)
  12. Free D (Winger) for WECL/RCL Cup. Backup is also fine. Message me here or on PSN.
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