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  1. Free goalie looking for a team for upcoming tournaments. Starter or 50/50 role Lite / core team. hit me up with message on psn : idanpuliukko
  2. Free G looking for a team for upcoming tournaments. looking for a team who has quite small roster and been playing together for a while and should play atleast 3 times a week. im active and able to play almost everyday. Looking for lite team but core is option also, but lite team is number 1 option. hit me up with msg on psn : idanpuliukko https://sportsgamer.gg/players/11116
  3. Free G looking for upcoming ecl. Mainly looking for lite team, but core is also option. able to play atleast 3x week. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/11116
  4. After a break, active goalie looking for team, with small roster who been playing together as much as possible. Able to play atleast 3-4 days a week. Mainly looking for lite or core(top) team. Hit me up with msg psn : idanpuliukko. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/11116
  5. After a small break, active goalie looking for team, with small roster who been playing together as much as possible. Able to play atleast 4 days a week. Mainly looking for lite or core(top) team. Hit me up with msg psn : idanpuliukko. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/11116
  6. Free goalie for upcoming tournaments. Really active player and im looking for core or lite team to join. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/11116#nhl If intrested, hit me up with message here or psn : idanpuliukko PS5 🤙 EDIT : contract signed
  7. Free G for upcoming tournaments. Looking for active team who plays atleast 3times a week. Im hungry to improve my playing as a goalie. Still alot to learn but only way is to find good and active team. Would like to play lite division but core is also option. hit me up with msg here or psn :idanpuliukko https://sportsgamer.gg/players/11116#nhl
  8. Free G for upcoming tournaments. Looking for active team who plays atleast 3times a week. Im hungry to improve my playing as a goalie. Still alot to learn but only way is to find good and active team. Would like to play lite division but core is also option. hit me up with msg here or psn :idanpuliukko https://sportsgamer.gg/players/11116#nhl
  9. Offside lions looking for backup goalie for upcoming season. We participate lite qualifers. If intrested, contact psn id : idanpuliukko
  10. Offside lions looking for backup attacker for ecl winter.
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