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kungenkirwa last won the day on September 6 2023

kungenkirwa had the most liked content!


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Community Answers

  1. Nova has the clearlly best right side in the entire pro and probaply best winger pair. biggest contender.
  2. Truculence energy drain is still the same as NHL23 & 24, thats the biggest issue with trucu, you bump player, really nothing happened and another player lose lot of energy. If/when all 10 on the ice use trucu the gameplay will be so bad
  3. Polski Boys Out: @jm98II Tack och adjö🤝 IN: @cTunkeilija witamy, na zdrowie!
  4. Polski Boys (Elite) Looking for starter LW (C) for upcoming tournaments. This time we cant guarantee championship trophy. Dont contact me cause, i am only uniform Manager. Contact PSN Brockela22, discord brockela22#1863 or PSN xSaski_, discord xSaski_#8635
  5. Polski Boys In: @Tope0090 aka Mestari_tikkuu Welcome Sensei!🍻 Out: @Miettinen14 Thanks and good luck!
  6. Polski Boys (polski pois) Looking for starting G or two 50/50 goalies. We are going to play first pro quals and after that we are going to win pro, please don't call me arrogant because what i am saying is true. We are not interested your experience or nationality if u catch the puck. Dont contact me cause, i am only uniform Manager. Contact PSN Brockela22, discord brockela22#1863 or PSN xSaski_, discord xSaski_#8635 I am Jose Mourinho https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMY2oTvY6/
  7. Free LD/RD/LW for upcoming tournaments contact here or discord kungenkurwa#8327 https://sportsgamer.gg/players/1288#nhl
  8. Pata Hellalla In: XAPPN from Taavetin Starat Tilsuu from TTK Out: W1nchester_62 to ECH Tatneft AK Bars Smiikag to Hanaa Hc
  9. After many interesting situations here we go again.. Pata Hellalla (PRO) looking for 1st goalie and backup goalie or two 50/50 goalie. We also have one player spot open, LW/C is hopefully ur position but we can take a look with other positions as well. Contact me here, PSN: Kungenkirwa, or discord Kungenkurwa#8327
  10. Pata Hellalla looking for back up goalie in ECL, we offer you normal games, all caps gaming games and maybe some ECL games. Requirements: Age: +18. Nationality: Finland, Sverige or Netherlands. Other: Goalie skills looking for advantage. EDIT: Were also looking LD in ECL and Caps Gaming. Requirements: Age: +18. Nationality: Doesnt care but in 50/50 situation finnish first. Other: Experience is not mandatory, so if you think youre good enough let me know and well see. Contact me here, psn: Kungenkirwa or Discord Kungenkurwa#8327
  11. Pata Hellalla In: W1nchester_62 Welcome our new "venäjän veli" 🙂
  12. Pata Hellalla looking for Goalie, LW/C and LD/RD in FCL and hopefully next ECL too. Pm me here, PSN Kungenkirwa or discord Kungenkurwa#8327
  13. Pata Hellalla looking for Goalie FCL and upcoming tournaments. Pm me here, PSN Kungenkirwa or discord Kungenkurwa#8327
  14. Free F/D for WECL/RCL Contact me here or PSN Kungenkirwa
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