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Yoloberg last won the day on September 22 2019

Yoloberg had the most liked content!

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  1. Voiko nää kysymykset saada suomeksi LOL
  2. I guess we never say these things when people are still alive but Im proud about Sami and his ECL career. Remember him from I think PS3 times and way back. Gentleman that didnt deserve to go this early. Might go back to playing winger since hes not going to wreck me anymore. All the love to his family and kids. ❤️ Rest Easy, Sami.
  3. POGGERS (Elite) is looking for LW. You will take my spot as LW during lack of interest and me being too busy with other things than NHL. You will play 50% - 100% of all ECL Elite games as LW, most likely around all games. Our roster has always been and will always be small so we are only looking for one good guy that gets along with our guys and doesn't rage when things don't work out the way you want them to. Also not looking for solo people since it's a team sport. So you being able to pass is necessary. We appreciate loyalty so if you have a history with changing teams you're not the right guy for the job. ❤️ Br. Rauvaskylä #38
  4. ❤️ Remember him from WAAAAY back. Shit news, RIP my man.
  5. NHL always breaks controllers(L3 and such) so if you're not rich just use them like everyone else.
  6. 1 Also any league after beta is not a good idea. People don't want to open the old version after seeing new and better.
  7. Also no1 has hoodie + cap covering eyes so these cant be NHL players. The amount of Photoshop is HUGE.
  8. BoGeRs no loking anymoare find hasekki mans
  9. POGGERS LF RD for FCL Markus will pay ice cream and pizza for salary.
  10. Maybe rewards after max tier too. Many people achieved it on EASHL really early and no hockey bags or anything after that. Not a big deal but has to be fixed for NHL20.
  11. Free LW/C (LD) most likely backup for Spring whatever cup höntsä kalja league. Probably not too interested but if some (good) team needs a backup I'm in.
  12. POGGERS (ECL Elite) is looking for all around Seppo Taalasmaa that might play or not. Last season we pretty much played with only 6 guys but would prefer having a slightly bigger roster. Also we are not looking anything specific so if you play more than one position you might be the guy! Feel free to PM me.
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