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  1. Neptune Hockey (pro quals) Parii backupia huutais! Lähinnä vl/vp ja mv. Molemmille myös peliaikaa luvassa 🤌🏼 Laitaha viestiä täällä tai psn wiibeni / @JakkeJynkky
  2. 🆙 Vieläki etitään/still looking for rd & g!
  3. Neptune Hockey (Pro quals) Looking for LW/LD mostly to backup or for rotation (depends how well you fit), but you'll play all the pro qual matches due to one of our starters vacation Pro quals schedule starts today so dont hesitate to contact me asap here or psn wiibeni 🫢
  4. Neptune Hockey + @Handeliii HAAAANDELIIIII 🔥🧱 + @Keuschemisch (FCL) SAUNAKLONKKU! 🧨📈
  5. Neptune Hockey (Lite) is looking for backup goalie! Other gk works on 2 different shifts, so there will be prac and ecl games for you too! Prefer Finnish guys! Contact here or for faster replies psn wiibeni or JakkeJynkky
  6. Neptune Hockey In: @Rikhardz @Sportage14 @NikooqG @Janytzkin Welcome! 🔥 Out: @Only4Goalie @Misetintin @Tuppibot (Dr-Stammerhammer) @aatu35 Thanks boys and gl for future! 🖤
  7. ‼️ We're looking for starting LW or C now!
  8. 🔝🔝🔝 ‼️ Still looking LD's for tryouts ‼️
  9. Neptune Hockey Is looking for starting LD and G (50/50 if our current goalie gets ps5 before) ECL Lite and one allrounder backup F/D Prefer Finnish players! Dm here or psn
  10. Moro! Me and vJobo- We might be looking for some new challenges after couple seasons with Neptune Hockey We've been playing ecl as dman pair but i can play LW too (Jobo RD) https://sportsgamer.gg/players/10047#nhl https://sportsgamer.gg/players/11737#nhl Prefer Finnish teams! Contact here or psn wiibeni or/and vJobo-
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