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  1. Free for eSHL and future ECL tournaments. Experience as GM and player in Pro. Plays all positions but always as a leftie. And yes, I'm Swedish not Norwegian 😆
  2. Free for spring league. Any position works. Majority of swedes in the team would be nice.
  3. Final hour so lets just boost this up. Still can't play that much but maybe there's a team with one place to spare that wants a backup just in case. I'll try to rearrange my schedule and let the family wait if it's a really important game that needs to be played 😉😁
  4. Since FFR is on a break for now I'm looking for a top lite or pro team. Only want a backup role and to fill up the roster in EASHL because family and work takes up most ECL game nights.
  5. Alot of money in my pocket to let Free From Rodents "rest" for one season 💵😁
  6. Free From Rodents is looking to expand the team for the upcoming tournament. Any position is OK since most of us can play multiple positions. We prefer Swedish, mature players and ability to adapt to our game prior to individual skill. We play an easy defensive minded hockey so knowing how to dance around the ice on a one man show isn't prioritized but not negative if done in moderation. Msg me here or PSN for tryout.
  7. It's hard to be a GM. I've spent countless hours on drop in trying to find new players and with alot of patience and luck I managed to get Free From Rodents started and introduced to EHL back in the days. Getting a mix of experienced players and new players that you can teach to play as you want often is a great way to get the team going and in the same time giving some new guys the opportunity to get in to the community. Time is the key to success. With time and luck you can find players like @Casper. Keeping them in your team though can prove to be difficult😉
  8. Looking for a team for regular EASHL games. 3s and 6s. RD/LD RW/LW Preferably Swedish team.
  9. AndreasNo


    It sure is.
  10. Looking for a team that needs a player for EASHL games and in the long run ECL. Have experience since consolehockey times but don't have as much time to play as I used to. I play mainly rw/rd but lw and center works in less important games. Would like a Swedish team.
  11. Looking for a backup position, rw/rd. Preferably a team with mostly swedes.
  12. Yeah it really looks good and I'm kinda happy that Eberle has had trouble scoring since we have won anyways. It's a good backup to have when he really starts to produce points.
  13. Oilers is the team for me. Don't really know why but I'm glad now that I've stuck with them when they finally win games
  14. Antar att du inte haft någon mer kontakt med Webhallen? Finns ju som sagt endel etablerade svenska lag, är ju 8 listade här i tråden + Free From Rodents och Unknown med så ett tiotal. Sen skulle det antagligen komma fram en heldel "nya" 6manna lag med folk som idag lirar mycket 3-5manna.
  15. Wait until I step in on the action this week with my playmaking abilitys, the points will rack up on him
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