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xDoumi last won the day on July 27 2024

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  1. I know, i just had to mention it in cause you never know about the deciders. I need Jesus 🙏
  2. Love the idea its just not the right time! We have FCL coming up! And tip for decision makers for possible future, make own poll for elite either visible or invisible
  3. I dont really think thats the case, gameplay which is made for traits just playing by off them feels off. Better option for sure would have been to change everything to silver but it its what it is for now i guess 🤷🏽‍♂️ Personally i dont really care how FCL are being played since youre basically playing for bag of pucks and its free to play. + Majority of players lower than elite which this tournament lives by on wants everything to be banned so lets live by the rules for now!
  4. I kinda understand the decision gamer made since FCL are open for everyone and the majority of players below elite wants everything to be banned. However if we will see another ECL season, we gotta change the bans atleast for elite because most of the players playing in there wants that.
  5. ”This rule change across the board is based on community requests”
  6. Im not sure are you trolling or not Just make a poll for each division. Why SG should make the decision since players are actually paying to play in ELITE, just give players what they want.
  7. I just dont get why do we have to go through this conversation again, atleast 80% elite players want to play without truculence, tipper, uf. Ppl are actually paying money to play in this league so why dont you listen the majority? Just because LA have decided so? Jesus just make a poll and just making it easier for you choices to be like "BAN EVERYTHING" "BAN TRUCULENCE, TIPPER, UF" and "DONT BAN ANYHTING" for elite 😪
  8. Fun and enjoyable games ahead, lets gooo!! nhlgamer mafia behind this decision..
  9. THANK YOU, would love option 2 personally, whats the point of banning Close Quarters and showing green light for the One Tee? Need to do something for goalie abilities for sure if CQ is banned. Who makes these decisions hello? We have a tournament in progress where only elite edges are used, these decisions were made quite quickly, i think me and many more elite players aswell would liked finish the tournament first and hear opinions after that.. People will most likely use now make it snappy as secondary ability, same effect than CQ, i dont really get this CQ ban.
  10. ban big tipper and truculence to make this shit game little bit more enjoyable thx ps votes doesnt lie
  11. HREDS IN: @Vattuyy , @SibeIius Out: @Mehukatti10 @Beniittto will miss fcl due to time in army service.
  12. solid 2way dman, sign him now when you still have chance or atleast tryout him..
  13. Free agent for upcoming nhl and tournaments, prefer ld but other positions goes aswell but not so shiny 🥴 Starter or backup role is fine also. PSN: xDoumi Discord: doumi#5495
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