Well is that fair and good example onetee factory has feature that freezes goalie so he cant move when you shoot onetee?without xfactory we can move so nowdays goalies can save better onetimers.
Ofc you will not score not so often if goalie is good enough to read onetees so why punish us for getting better for them. And yea sometimes my typing can sound bit attacking or something cuz i like to type straight how things are but in good spirit😂
If you have played enough this game you know perks are bad for the game and i have heard from way too many core to lite and some pro players saying game is so much better without perks so do you listen group which puts the most money to this scene cuz keeping perks makes you losing them one by one cuz game ain’t enjoyable anymore. Now i have myself started to enjoy playing as goalie again and put effort on it when people play without factories with password games cuz it gives goalies better chances to be good again not just ragdoll between the pipes.
This is bullshit…people who know how to DO onetee without factory which does perfect animation no matter how bad pass is or your player position for onetee will score from onetee. Players have forgotten how to do it cuz they have played with automation perks too long. Without perks good goalies have chance to carry theyr team with perks goalies have no chance to do it so playing hard is pointless from goalie pov when you have to face close quarter and onetee factories…people want perks to be in game to keep scoring easy and no need to put effort on it which is so lame when we talk about Esports where skill should be the thing.
Exactly pro and elite and some lower stage players know how to abuse those perks so its no good for gameplay and force play is even worse with xfactories
If we really need xfactories then it should be like xfactories which helps you to shoot more accurate and harder ban like close quarter so shots dont go always through the goalie cuz without it that doesnt happen so there is somenthing broken in it and ban onetee its the most stupid factory in game cuz if you shoot with factory oneT goalie freeze without that doesnt happen so that xfactory has also some funtional problems. IF you allow those scoring is based on bugs so we cant really talk about skillbased gaming anymore when you score which would be bad reputation to even call this scene as Esports. As goalie i know what im talking about.
fifa has restricted them to max 3 goalies not included i googled so gameplay doesnt stand on xfactories in ecl and thats how it should be why would we allow perks which makes scoring easier like close quarted/oneT kills idea of Esports
Not a single esports scene allows abilities/perks which helps you to do something better or makes something automaticly for you and reason is simple…in esports people wanna see what you got to bring on table to be better than others or be the best. Jollei riitä ni ei riitä and go get better if playing without traits makes you playing on lower stage.
Free goalie looking team for the next ECL season, im from finland so i prefer finnish team. Can also speak english.
Last season stats from ECL 12 CORE
you can dm me on playstation psn is Pawetzki