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  1. I know you are just trolling but i will still answer this. How can you say that ones opinions outweigh others opinion? After all, every single player in this community needs to pay for playing here. That gives everybody a right to an opinion whether you like it or not. According to your logic, only Masters of Social Sciences should be granted a vote in a presidential election for example. Just think about it for a second. The actual problem is that no one wants to share their point of view here when they will only get compared to ants. But that was the point in this, right?
  2. I have a suggestion worth thinking about. Articles like the week 1&2 recap (maybe even this article) get old in a day or so and kind of lose their purpose. Is it really worth the time and effort it takes to write just for all of it to fade in the dust? We also have the wraparound episodes that have many overlaps with articles such as this one. But if this is the way the seasons are to be covered, the wraparounds and articles should be more in support of each other. Maybe it would be better to just fully focus on the preview and season recap + playoffs to get deeper coverage of all the teams. I remember a time when every team had at least a couple of paragraphs written about themselves in a preview. Those articles were always such a pleasure to read. Don't get me wrong, I really appreciate the time and effort these articles take from its writers, but with a couple of fixes they could offer us so much more.
  3. Im casting my vote for team BanThemAll. However, that means that the grudge matchup needs to get fixed asap. Banning all traits but still having one player (most often the center) with all offensive or defensive traits would mean that all teams exploited that one player, because why not? Im hoping that if we come to a conclusion to ban all traits, we start seeing even more diversity with different builds.
  4. Free LW for upcoming tournaments. Pro or lite contender. Finnish or english. Got experience mainly from pro a couple of years ago. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/1003 Contact me here. Comeback?
  5. Free LW/RW looking for a pro team (considering offers from competitive lite teams also). Prefer back-up because availability is changing much weekly. Can also occasionally play C/LD/RD. Playing LW as a leftie and RW as a rightie, so called @Awptim style in the groups i have played with. https://nhlgamer.com/player.php?playerID=1003
  6. Old ping: 31-34 New ping: 29-33 Location: Southern Finland
  7. Agreed 100% 👆
  8. Free LW/C/RW/LD/RD looking For a back-ups back-up spot. Unavailable More than available. Prefer good pro team, but mid-pro and good lite teams can send offers too. Previous clubs i played In are Banterfield Battalion and Alliance HT. Might be a bit Rusty since havent played this version much. Positions i prefer are marked with this.
  9. Rusty Blades: Supreex Falun Coal Miners: The_Alpha_Furyan SJK Esports: Dominointi Northern Stars: Tbnantti Unlucky Boys Hc: Anhel_Kuru SIKA: vSilenttio Alliance Ht: awptim Shameful Knights: Migo_boo99 Baltic Sea Eagles: TheFakiiR1 Monarchs: Pajenc32 Quality: Valta15 Almost Famous: Ikavalko
  10. Goalies who i find hard to score on: (After number 1, not in particular order) 1. Supreex S_Wild_Rus Ranta83 Hoiggaa Hullued Mehiiss Nuija98 Zande95
  11. Mystery is looking for few backup players, 1st line LD and goalies. We WILL participate in lite next season. 😉 If u are interested, contact me on psn: miguli36, or pm here
  12. Hi Because of Mystery broking up, im looking for new team. Positions: LW,C,RW Division doesnt matter Back-up is fine also, since im this late If you are Interested, contact me on psn: miguli36
  13. Looking for tryout in team, that plays in ecl/is going to play. Playing currently in SK (Shameful Knights) as LD. But for now, im playing FWD (if i get a team) Prefer C but can sneak up the wing too If interested contact on psn: Miguli36
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