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  1. Free RW/C for upcoming FCL https://sportsgamer.gg/players/8651#nhl PSN: Buluhh, Discord: Buluhh #9811
  2. Free rw (rd) for upcoming tournaments https://sportsgamer.gg/players/8651#nhl Psn: Buluhh, Dc: Buluhh#9811
  3. Free any for WECL, prefer backup role https://sportsgamer.gg/players/8651#nhl psn: Buluhh
  4. All the hot LDs slide in our DMs 😉
  5. BLITZ Loimaa (ECL Core) We are looking for a godlike Defenseman blessed with wisdom in defense and 200 IQ mastermind plays when having the puck. Sounds like you? That's great! We also have a spot open for backup Goalie. Take your chance to hop in! :) English/Finnish, both are fine. Last season we got in the playoffs as Loimaan Rockets, now we aim to get promoted to Lite. Contacts: @Buluhh, PSN: Buluhh, Discord: Buluhh#9811 @thiccboirajis, PSN: ThiccBoiRajis, Discord: borderland#9325 describe you as a player and ask for tryouts, you can also send memes to ThiccBoi Twitch @blitzloimaa
  6. Loimaan Rockets (ECL Core) is looking for long-term defender and a backup forward. We prefer RD right now, but both sides are okay. ECL experience does not matter, skill and motivation does 3.. 2.. 1.. Liftoff! 🚀 🆙
  7. MIRAGE (ECL Core) is looking for LW, RD & G Back-ups are welcomed too. As a new team our aim is to grow up and get better together, so your earlier experience from ECL is not "must have" if you're motivated enough. Good knowledge of strategies is a big plus and so is a positive attitude. We require possibility to talk via group chat. FIN/ENG If you're interested to come tryout, contact me here or PSN: Buluhh
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