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  1. Blessed Suedis is looking for a RD or C. We would prefer if u talk or atleast understand swedish. Most important is that u fit well in our group. Both ingame and socially. We are probably gonna play Lite but could be Core. We play 3-4 times a week and mostly from Sunday to Thursday with Fri & Sat off. We mostly play 20-23 Swe-time. Write to me if you are interested to tryout some day.
  2. Hey! Any core/lite teams wanna play practise games wednesday or thursday 20 swetime? Write here or on my psn acc - eckeson Cya! //Blessed Suedis
  3. Blessed Suedis New team In: #5 Takumashingo #7 Crooked__66__ #26 Bror1326 #39 TTV-NoSavess #43 Kyuben #44 Jeqque44 #57 Vajlar #60 Eckeson #66 xLeikku #77 KaiserHanzo Broskis are ready.. lets goo 💯
  4. Hi broskis! We are a new team and we looking for team to play 6s practise games wednesday and thursday 20.00 swedish time. Is it any neo/core team who wanna play some best of 5 or something like that? Write to me here or on my PSN: eckeson. Cya ✌🏼 //Blessed Suedis
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