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Everything posted by Soijapoika

  1. Free RD for ecl and fcl. Speak finnish/english. 24y old. Core/Lite. Open to all offers. Psn: mikomies1 https://sportsgamer.gg/players/8492
  2. We need the search opponents according to team size and region back. Has been hard to to play full 6v6 with low ping. That is what this whole scene is about.
  3. Hey. Free RD. Open to other positions and all needs. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/8492
  4. Hi. Looking for RD spot for future tournaments. Can consider forward as well. Looking for good and fun chemistry on and off ice. Contact psn: mikomies1 or here https://sportsgamer.gg/players/8492#nhl
  5. Need to remember that removing meta will just create new meta. Some abilities counter some abilities etc. need to be careful so there isn't a butterfly effect.
  6. Hellou! Free RD for future tournaments. Mainly looking for starter position at competitive group. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/8492#nhl Contact here or psn: Mikomies1
  7. Hi everybody. Free RD for FCL. Can play other left handed positions as well. Backup or more. Psn: mikomies1 https://sportsgamer.gg/players/8492#nhl
  8. Free RD to ecl winter core/lite psn: mikomies1
  9. Free RD looking for a team. 20y fin. Here or psn: mikomies1
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