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pappeen- last won the day on January 24

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  1. Am i complaining? I don't care if its with or without abilities or even silver ones. No need to be toxic tho, or am i wrong?
  2. I see that it is hard to score without abilities, or is it just skill issue maybe?
  3. ”Hanaa and force” isn’t our style Mr Buntsel, that’s your gamestyle, and you are pretty good at it! We play our own game🫡
  4. Trust me, we will xd and if Wade thinks otherwise it’s ofc ok! But we all know what will happen eventually, you will post about retiring for the 6th(maybe even more) time🤝
  5. Finally someone with common sense typing in this thread. I guess it's hard for some people to be kind against the lower ranked players. Well said Ante 💯🫡
  6. I mean, they had a rough time scoring even tho we didn’t line up infront of the net🤷‍♂️
  7. The gamplay without traits is so nice! No gold truc for people who can't hit on a regular basis, less Ovechkins on the ice, and less bs close quarters goals, sist men inte minst, less golden stick em up bs aswell. You actually get rewarded for great defense now, haven't enjoyed 6s gameplay in a while, but this is so smooth and nice. Huge W!
  8. Tycker man inte som toppspelare så är man bakom flötet tydligen, rimligt ändå🙃 Poängen blir ju mer och mer tydlig när topp elite försvarar stick em up i denna diskussionen
  9. Listen to this guy! Stick em up, both the gold and the silver are so fkn op this year. So idk why we dont bring that up, everyone are maniacs when it comes to unrealistic pokes.
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