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Anhel_Kuru last won the day on July 29 2022

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  1. YMCA Esports in: @Koppipelaaja out: unfortunately @Tumpp1A was unable to play due to connection issues 😢 thanks for your short stint, wish it would have lasted longer
  2. Now that the confirmed starting date for ECL 11 Elite was published, I will wrote this. I'll be joining the Finnish Defence Forces in the 4th of January which means that I will most likely miss the latter half of ECL 11. It will mean that YMCA Esports is looking for starting C from mid ECL 11 onwards. I still have hunger to play but the plan is get enough ice time with the future lineup both in normal games and in ECL, so the change (e.g. for possible playoffs) doesn't come by surprise. We require previous Elite or top tier Pro experience. Nationality doesn't matter. If you feel interested, please don't hesitate to contact me or @JimBoo here or on PSN Anhel_Kuru or Jm98ii
  3. YMCA Esports is looking for a backup goalie. Playing time is guaranteed both in normal games and in elite. Contact me here or on PSN: Anhel_Kuru
  4. Code to enter the league is gvwq6b, feel free to join
  5. I was wondering would people be interested doing a NHLGamer FPL league once again for the upcoming Premier League season?
  6. @dominftw I don't want to be rude but why do you have to spam this like twice a day? I think everybody can see your first or second post when scrolling little bit up.
  7. Unlucky Boys In: @Viltzup from We Kings Out: @Jann3_67_ to Reality Check
  8. Unlucky Boys 🍔 IN: @vviljo from Butterfly Effect @ramseyy2 from Butterfly Effect @Jann3_67_ from Reality Check OUT: @Viltzup to We Kings @Frilander to Kaupallinen Yhteistyö
  9. Unlucky Boys is looking for two long-term goalies for ECL Elite and other future tournaments. The goalies would split the games so lots of ice time guaranteed. We finished 6th on Elite this season and our only goal is being more competitive. Better if you have previous elite experience but it isn't necessary. If you think you can play at the top level and want to represent burgers, don't feel afraid to contact me here or on PSN Anhel_Kuru.
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