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  • Xbox Live Gamertag
    x BUM3R x
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  1. God takes best of us. It was an honour to play side by side with you! Truly best team mate and friend! You will be never forgotten! Rest in Piece my friend! We cry for you 😢😢😢⛪👼
  2. Rd free for spring cup. Preferably as a backup, no time to play every night but can be flexible from time to time.
  3. #PrayForRadikal
  4. @cHIIMEERa 😂
  5. BUM3R

    Chip Off The Old Block

    Honestly I thought Ashton is MartinialexC all these days oops
  6. BUM3R

    PUBG Xbox one

    Too busy in Master chief collection? 😂 Great game btw
  7. Is there anyone got xbox one and PUBG?
  8. Settings > Storage > Saved Data > NHL 18 > User Profile -(options)- Delete
  9. Oodap (Mary and Rose) Pumaz (laser) MZK-Trophyhunter S_Wild_RUS
  10. You are about 2 months late my friend
  11. still free. pro/elite club please. defender or goalie. (if G so I would not prefer to be a defender) psn - Bumeeer
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Q_jqlmQ25M
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