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  1. The Ghillie Gang Looking for starting LW for upcoming tournaments. For now we are aiming to ECL Winter '25 Core. What we want from you: - Good knowledge of game mechanics - Commitment and investment to the project - Team player mentality - Able to communicate during games (Finnish/English) - Previous tournament experience is welcome but not a requirement What we offer: - Active squad, we play almost every night - To be part of team that wants to develop and learn from mistakes For tryouts, contact me here @xWilssoni or Discord/PSN: xWilssoni
  2. Free Agent - Finnish experienced winger, RW + Available almost everyday, quick and smart plays, team defense etc. Language - Finnish/English PSN; SomeJerk-_-
  3. Free Agent - Experienced EASHL player and very active. Left handed RW(preferred)/C as Power Forward. + Scoring, quick passing, team defense etc. Language - Finnish/English Backup/Startup Searching for: Top lite team Good pro team Any elite team PSN; SomeJerk-_-
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