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  1. Neo team HC Total Chaos looking for goalie in ECL winter. We need also backup player.
  2. You have your change to show us how you play. That you show here about the points what you made those few games what you play with us doesn't tell nothing about your skills as a skater. I know you are beginner at skater,but it's just not fit to our team. When i tell you that you are not good enough our tem you still have time to find a new team. In here you tell everybody that we ruin your change to play ECL this season is bull shit. You still have change join some club, but i think after that what you write from here your changes are pretty small.
  3. Neo team Hc Total Chaos looking for goalie
  4. Neo team HC Total Chaos looking for goalie in Finland or Sweden
  5. Neo team HC Total Chaos looking for one defender and one goalie
  6. Moro,ei kiinnostas tulla neoon neppailee yhdeks kaudeks? Meillä ois rento äijä porukka menossa sinne.

  7. HC Total Chaos looking for the players eashl. We need 3-4 players.Defence,goalie and forward players.
  8. HC Total Chaos looking for the players eashl. We need 3-4 players.Defence,goalie and forward players.
  9. I cannot find you in discord
  10. Free g need a ecl team,core or higher. Psn pide73
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