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  1. Wida academy is looking backup or 50/50 goalie! Core Send me message for tryouts!!! here or psn id: Dexu95 Pref. Finnish players
  2. Free RD/RW/C Finnish send message here or psn id : Don_Dexal
  3. Free 1.RD/(2.RW/C)for upcoming events. pref. Finnish teams. Core/Lite long term team and good humor?🥇🔥 https://sportsgamer.gg/players/7796 Contact me here or psn id/Discord: Don_Dexal
  4. Free 1. Rd / 2.Rw for upcoming tournaments. pref. Finnish teams. Experience: Lite, Core and Neo tryouts? Psn id/discord: Don_Dexal
  5. Free RD/RW looking new team. Core/Lite pref. finnish teams. Contact here or psn id/Discord: Don_Dexal https://sportsgamer.gg/players/7796
  6. Free RW/C/RD for upcoming tournaments. contact me here or playstation id: Don_Dexal
  7. Elegance Hockey is looking: division: Core -LW -Defenseman (fast passes) -starter goalie or 50/50. Contact me here or psn id: Don_Dexal
  8. Elegance Hockey is looking: 1x 50/50 Goalie (its possible to get starter role) 1x Both handed D. Couple bad seasons behind us in Core division. Now we need some help! pref, Finnish players Contact me here or psn id: Don_Dexal
  9. Elegance Hockey is looking couple players to next ecl(Core) 2x D,prefer. both handed. 1x Goalie prefer. Finnish players! contact me here or psn id: Don_Dexal
  10. One more year! Elegance Hockey is looking active LD! Two bad seasons behind us... We need some help to our defence. Looking some player how can hold the puck, give good/fast passes! We have bad jokes... really bad.... Lets have some fun!!! We play allmost every evening. pref. Finnish Players contact me here or psn id Don_Dexal
  11. Elegance Hockey looking for: Player who can play both sides LD/RD. We are going to Ecl Core, but our plan is to go Lite in future. preferably finnish players. contact me here or Psn: Don_Dexal and lets set up for tryouts!
  12. Still looking players!
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