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Kingbling last won the day on November 17 2017

Kingbling had the most liked content!

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  1. I did this interview with my good friend B-Bunny who is an EA Sports Game Changer as I asked a bunch of good questions to see what his opinion was on EASHL and how it could improve over the next few years and have a different look.
  2. Episode 4: How to play Right-Defense Episode 5: How to play Left-Defense
      • 1
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  3. I have started this new EASHL Series on my YouTube Channel called "EASHL Skater Tips & Tricks"where I get top EASHL players from every position to deliver some very helpful/useful skater tips & tricks and can guide you to the right directions to improve your individual skill and or overall gameplay as a skater when playing EASHL.*Think like a top player*If you would like to watch these EASHL Skater Tips & Tricks videos:Episode 1: How To Play LW - (Featuring an EA Sports Game Changer)Episode 3: How To Play C - *Both Defense Episodes will be coming soon*
  4. I have introduced a series that I will be doing in NHL 18 involving the EASHL community by bringing a creative video idea every week. The main purpose of me starting up this new series not only is to interact with my Subscribers and still make great videos, but to try to bring some spotlight in the EASHL community on YouTube as it's pretty dark with not a lot of consistent EASHL channels/content. Hopefully in NHL 18 the EASHL community on YouTube can grow, and we can see more videos of EASHL content, now I already know that watching EASHL content won't be more popular than watching HUT or any other game mode that is up there on YouTube viewed as “Most Popular to watch” but EASHL content can grow in its own way and people will enjoy watching videos on YouTube of EASHL. Send in your Goal clips to be featured in "Top 5 Goals" weekly videos! (EASHL Community Members) Goal Clips can only come from playing EASHL Ways to send in your Goal Clips: Email: Kiing_bling@hotmail.com Discord: KB 👑#4183
  5. The title explains everything you need to know. Ways to contact me: Follow me on Twitter/Send me a DM: https://twitter.com/Kingbling647 Message me on PSN: Kingbling647
  6. Special edition video: Wacky Wednesday - Weird Goals & Funny Moments Thanks to The_CreasePolice for some great clips! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEAlDZaBndU Here are some of my other special edition videos: Save Your Sunday - Great Goalie Saves & Epic Fails Crush Your Mondays - Big Hits & Funny Moments Let me know what you guys think of these special edition videos and if I should keep doing them in NHL 18.
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNkVGIxMXdY
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