I have introduced a series that I will be doing in NHL 18 involving the EASHL community by bringing a creative video idea every week. The main purpose of me starting up this new series not only is to interact with my Subscribers and still make great videos, but to try to bring some spotlight in the EASHL community on YouTube as it's pretty dark with not a lot of consistent EASHL channels/content.
Hopefully in NHL 18 the EASHL community on YouTube can grow, and we can see more videos of EASHL content, now I already know that watching EASHL content won't be more popular than watching HUT or any other game mode that is up there on YouTube viewed as “Most Popular to watch” but EASHL content can grow in its own way and people will enjoy watching videos on YouTube of EASHL.
Send in your Goal clips to be featured in "Top 5 Goals" weekly videos! (EASHL Community Members) Goal Clips can only come from playing EASHL
Ways to send in your Goal Clips:
Email: Kiing_bling@hotmail.com
Discord: KB 👑#4183