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  1. Free Defender for upcomig leagues but I can play any position beside goalie if needed just give me a dm for tryouts ty
  2. Free D/C for upcomig ECL Payed only Core so far but ready for higher or lower tasks PS and Discord Confusion83
  3. Looking for ECL Team I Play Defense and can Play Backup Wing Or Center Experience ECL Core so Far, Located in Central Europe. msg me her or PSN: Confusion83
  4. Free D for ECL and beyond located in Central Europe and played ECL Core so far reach out here or via Discord the Nickname is the same.
  5. Looking for a C/F and D for GCL DM me if interested.
  6. Hello dear NHL Sportsgamer community, we, the Berlin Wolves, are looking for additional players for our NHL division who would like to build a new team. 📢We are looking for the following:📢 📢Age: 17+ 📢Team-oriented & respectful interaction 📢Sense of humor 📢Punctuality 📢Respectful behavior within the team and towards other teams 📢Ability to handle criticism 📢Active participation on Discord If this applies to you, please feel free to contact @Confusion83 or reach out to us through our organization. 🤜What do we offer??🤛 🐺Strong clan management 🐺Well-structured organizations 🐺The main organization has been established since 2015 🐺Familiar atmosphere 🐺Homepage 🐺LAN readiness 🐺Discord for effective communication, etc. 🐺Sponsors 🐺Merchandise 🐺2-3 clan gatherings 🐺Regular meetings 🐺Planned participation in GCL+ECL and other leagues. 🐺Own tournaments & leagues 🐺Bootcamps https://discord.gg/3xnNq4zZ
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