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  1. Etin uutta jengiä! Oon rento äijä, jolla ikää on 27-vuotta. Änäreitä tullu tahkottua jo 98:sta saakka. Omat pelipaikat on pääasiassa RW/LW/G akselilla olleet. Mielellään ettisin jonkun aktiivisen jengin, jossa pääsis pelailee paljon. ECL:ää ajatellen voisin hyvin olla backup pelaaja (erityisesti Elite ja Pro -jengeis), normiklubipelei ois kuitenkin kiva päästä tahkoo. Muutenkin ois kiva just aktiivisen pelaamisen kautta kehittyä kovaksi jyräksi tulevaisuutta ajatellen. Try-outille saa kysellä vaikka yv:llä täällä tai pleikkarin puolella artzirocks nimimerkille. Linkki pelaajakorttiini: https://nhlgamer.com/player.php?playerID=1244 Same in English: Looking for a new team. I'm chill 27-year old dude, who has played NHL series since '98. My main positions are RW/LW/G. I hope to find an active team to play a lot with. I don't mind if I get a backup role for ECL games (especially in Pro / Elite teams), I'm fine with active playing of normal club games. My main focus is learning to play better and better. You can always ask me for a tryout, without pressure. You can send me here a message or in PSN artzirocks. Link to my player card: https://nhlgamer.com/player.php?playerID=1244
  2. Haha, glad u liked my sentence! Sadly I didnt start with NHL Powerplay, coz i didnt own n64 (i think that game was only for nintendo?), but i started with pc version of ea nhl!
  3. I'm 26 yo guy from Finland and I would like to find a team to play with. I've played all NHL games since '98, but I started to play EASHL mostly in NHL16. I'm doing my best as defender (prefer RD tho). I've always liked to play def, I gathered my most experience in that position in kiekko.tk's top leagues (Kiekkoliiga, Hoki-Liiga etc.) as nickname Ragnar. I got the skills and eye to play EASHL on hi lvl too. I'm looking for any active team, ECL would be very nice, but I don't care if the team doesnt play it. I prefer finnish speaking teams. Contact me: PSN: artzirocks
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